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1 year update

Posted by Kleinkp 
1 year update
June 11, 2021 02:58PM
1 year since Dr. Natale performed my 1st ablation 6/10/20 after dealing with afibb for 8+ years.

Dr. Natale took me off all meds 3 month mark 9/10/20, then I started getting PVC/PAC at a rate 7k daily (7%) according to Zio patch. Pretty uncomfortable at that rate. Went back on metoprolol which calmed PVC/PAC down to a trickle. Stopped metoprolol again 3/15/21 for another 7 day Zio patch, which showed 200 for the 7days total. I have been off all meds since 3/15/21 and it feels great!!!! I still can get occasional days where PVC/PAC can number in the 100's but no where near that pain in the bum 7k.

Zero Afibb since ablation(knocking on wood)!!!

Truly life changing!!!

Thank you to everyone in this group for support and answering my at times repetitive Questions!
Re: 1 year update
June 11, 2021 06:25PM
Nice report. Hope the pvcs say bye bye for good
You using mag etc? K? Coq? I go to Austin july 5-10 with 7/7 my date
Re: 1 year update
June 11, 2021 08:11PM
I'm going to give my 18 month update as well in a separate thread. I waiting longer than you to get off meds since I was nervous about a relapse. But I'm doing better, Glad you are too
Re: 1 year update
June 11, 2021 08:52PM
Nice report. Hope the pvcs say bye bye for good
You using mag etc? K? Coq? I go to Austin july 5-10 with 7/7 my date

Supplement with mag and taurine no potassium.

I consume mostly lean meats and fruit, veg and nuts probably to much fruitsmiling smiley. Fruit consumption covers my potassium.

While zero PVCs would be great I'll take what I have compared to the 7k dailysmiling smiley
Re: 1 year update
June 12, 2021 01:56AM
Nice update Klein...you and Keef gave updates on the same day and i posted in his thread....my comments there would fit your thread also.
Re: 1 year update
June 12, 2021 04:11AM
Truly life changing!!!

Great to hear!
spinning smiley sticking its tongue outRe: 1 year update
June 12, 2021 04:34AM
I am new. Just had my first ablation on May 20th 2021.Dr. Kusimoto did pulmonary vein isolation in Chico Ca. Since then very few a.fibs but way too many pvcs and pacs.
Feels much better when In Nsr.the ectopics cause much fatigue and lethargy. Metoprolol seems to work somewhat but must take it pro at a dose of 12.5 mg.Higher doses cause extreme fatigue and severe depression. Dr. K says he will re-eval. results in 2 months.He states more work may be required I am intoerant of all meds and am following Dr. Bunch protocol ( the BLAST) I can hardly wait to get my life back!!!!!!
Re: 1 year update
June 19, 2021 05:54PM
Great to hear KleinKp!!

Not surprising at all, but it's always super to hear . Thanks for the recent call as well and nice to catch up with you good news!!

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