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Lidocaine Cream

Posted by Jaydee212 
Lidocaine Cream
June 10, 2021 06:40PM
A lady gave me some lidocaine cream for my back and I put some on (upper back; behind the heart) the night of Day 1. I could not help but notice that I slept thru the night without waking from pvc's.
I thought it too good to be true and had to be coincidence, so
Day 2 I did not use it and woke in the night with so much ARR's that I had to take a diltiazem.
Day 3 I repeated the lidocaine cream. Same result as the first night. Still not convinced I did not use it
Day 4 and the night was overall not bad but wakeful.
Day 5 I used the cream again with the same result of Days 1 and 3.
I looked up lidocaine and pvc's and up came something from Mayo..., re. the use of lidocaine for ARR's. I reasoned that if this cream penetrates the skin and moves inward, why could it not have impacted my heart? The active ingredient I mean.
Well, I waited a full 5 days to say anything becuz I did not want to come across as a total nut.
I have since found quite a bit of info re. lidocaine and pvc's. I am sure some of you will want to check it out. I foresee the cost of lidocaine cream increasing due to demand. smiling smiley
Re: Lidocaine Cream
June 11, 2021 12:40AM
Hurray! You actually tested it for 5 days before jumping to conclusions based on a single event! That's actually kind of rare but very much appreciated.

Lidocaine is used as an antiarrhythmic in injectable form, so if some amount of it is absorbed into the systemic circulation from a topical application, it's quite possible it would have an effect on your ectopics, just like you suggested.

If you're taking other antiarrhythmic drugs, you need to be careful and check for interactions, but if it works for you, I'd say keep up your research.
Re: Lidocaine Cream
June 11, 2021 01:20AM
I have 4 tubes from Spain. I never thought of it would help PVCs. I use mine after a ecv skin burn.
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