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A-fib and topical nitroglycerine???

Posted by SueChef 
A-fib and topical nitroglycerine???
March 17, 2021 11:56PM
My regular GP is out of the office and a colleague replied to my email, and recommended using topical nitroglycerin when I have a flare up of my external hemorroids (sitz baths, Tucks, and OTC topical stuff has done not much to help with the pain!). A Rx for topical nitroglycerin was called in for me.

I've never heard of nitroglycerin being used this way, and in my initial email to the doctor, I did mention that I have atrial fibrillation, but this was not addressed at all in his reply email. confused smiley

There are really smart people here, with lots of experience & knowledge, who may not have a MD, so I'd appreciate any input regarding a-fib and topical nitroglycerin (I also take lisinopril). If this post belongs over in the Health forum, please move it there (thank you!).
Sue Chef
Re: A-fib and topical nitroglycerine???
March 18, 2021 12:17AM
Re: A-fib and topical nitroglycerine???
March 18, 2021 12:48AM
There shouldn't be any problem with nitro and afib unless you're prone to fainting. The two just don't have much to do with each other for most people.
Re: A-fib and topical nitroglycerine???
March 18, 2021 02:08AM
Thanks, Susan & Carey!
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