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Magnesium I V
February 03, 2021 12:19AM
I have been taking as much magnesium as my body will safely tolerate without having loose bowels, 1,050 mg per day of various different types, changing every 3 to 6 months, plus applying magnesium "oil" to my entire body 2 times per day for about 18 months. I can't seem to get my RBC Mg up past 5.5 mg/dl so tomorrow I am signed up for my first IV Mg (not the Myers cocktail which contains calcium).

Does anyone have any advice as to what I should look out for, how often and for how long I should do it to build up my Mg stores?

I'll monitor with RBC Mg tests, just wonderring what others may have done.
Re: Magnesium I V
February 03, 2021 01:54AM
When I first started supplementing magnesium for afib many years ago, I learned that some people "waste" a lot of mag. I've never pursued these, but know I must urinate out a lot because of the high volume I take in and don't get loose stools. That being said, my RBC's are high. Some folks, like Shannon, have done a lot of the IV mag, too.

No great ideas, except to continue to do what you are doing and exploring.

One thought just came to me. Sarah MyHill is a GP in the UK. She advocates nebulizing magnesium. I've never tried it long enough to be able to give a report on whether it better. Here is a search on her site: [www.google.com]
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