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Making suggestions for new website - where to do?
January 18, 2021 05:04PM
New website looks great. I looked at Risk Factors and noticed that the research of Linz and OSA would be a useful add.

# 1 how to suggest that ?

# 2 why not formalize a process that uses the group intelligence to supply more content

There are definitely people here that can provide inside the bell curve content (non N=1) as possible SMEs for such content

I'd be willing to write up a piece on OSA and reference the research of Linz et al.
Re: Making suggestions for new website - where to do?
January 19, 2021 04:54AM
You can suggest it like you just did. If we can figure out a formal mechanism for it that would be great, but in the meantime just posting and saying you've got an idea for an article is enough to get the ball rolling.

If you want to write a piece on OSA then by all means please do so. We will always welcome reasonably factual articles written by forum members on pretty much any subject of interest to the afib community. You can either do it all on your own and then when you're done submit it to me and/or Shannon, or you can start a thread on it and do it with community input, maybe posting pieces of it as you go. Some people might prefer one way and others a different way, so whatever works for you is good.
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