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High troponin levels
December 27, 2020 02:58AM
My troponin is “critically high”. Shouldn’t the test be repeated every 6 hours? Is the damage reversible?
Re: High troponin levels
December 27, 2020 06:02AM
Susan, we can't interpret lab results for you. I don't know who ordered the test or why, but whoever ordered it is the person who needs to be explaining it. You've obviously got a lot going on right now and I'm sorry you're going through this, but you've got to go to your docs first before asking here.
Re: High troponin levels
December 27, 2020 06:55AM
I’m not asking for you to diagnose. I’m asking is it typical to repeat in six hours? Three prior hospitals repeated every six hours. I was wondering if protocol had across the board had changed since it was way longer before repeating and if anyone who had experienced high scores were given drugs to reverse the damage. That’s all I wrote.

I didn’t share my numbers to ask a non professional to diagnose. My np will do the diagnostic.

They just repeated it. I’ll hang tight until I find out tomorrow. I just wanted some background experience fro those who experienced this to ask the right questions.

Thank you Carey for your reply. I appreciate it.
Re: High troponin levels
December 27, 2020 02:01PM
Is the damage reversible?


My experience with Troponin is in a non-acute setting. My doc, Steven Gundry, used to test everyone for Cardiac Troponin-I (he previously was an academic head of cardiothoracic surgery, so we get a lot of unusual tests for basically healthy people - I think he quit testing troponin because of insurance coverage). In any case, a elderly friend who was a patient who had a level around 55. This is from memory as it was in 2015 and on our labs, optimal is <3.8 pg/mL. After going on Gundry's lifestyle program this person got their level down to around 4.5 - not quite optimal, but a huge drop toward the good. I also know troponin can be transiently elevated in some marathoners after a race. Gundry had commented about seeing this elevated in some who were over-exercising. Anyways, it looks like the lab values can improve, don't know how this applies to your situation.
Re: High troponin levels
December 27, 2020 04:21PM
Thanks George. Now since it’s very elevated they are repeated every 5-6 hours so I speculate the question of the timeline frequently of repeating the test depends on the levels.
Re: High troponin levels
December 29, 2020 06:56AM
I had elevated troponin level during my severe pancreatitis which required me to be in intensive care unit for several days. They involved cardiologist who suspected I might have had heart attack as well and IHD, which I did not.
Re: High troponin levels
December 30, 2020 08:35PM
I’m happy Aldona that you didn’t have a heart attack. I didn’t either after the echo and angiogram confirmation. I had high troponin, depressed st, angina and edema in my lungs. I’m home now resting and hoping Sotalol will keep my heart calm and buy time before my next ablation when hopefully I can get vaccinated.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2021 02:04AM by susan.d.
Re: High troponin levels
December 30, 2020 11:25PM

Did the doctors say why did you have angina and edema in your lungs, that just doesn't happen without a cause.
Re: High troponin levels
December 31, 2020 12:24AM
Yes, they said it was from my tachy. I wasn’t even in tachy that long this last time. Maybe 3-4 hours tops until I was ecv. Or it could be the three doses of adenosine. Each challenge gave me spiking angina. Who knows...or maybe it was the st depression on my ekg.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2021 02:07AM by susan.d.
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