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Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 09, 2020 02:59AM
I hope this doesn’t apply to CBD
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 09, 2020 02:55PM
From the article "In the acute setting, cannabis smoking may result in an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, secondary to sympathetic nervous system activation"

I would think that someone could check their heart rate after using CBD to see if it causes sympathetic nervous system activation. Realizing this may not apply to someone with pacer or in constant afib. Most folks I know that use CBD say it is relaxing.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 09, 2020 05:17PM
So if you had a successful ablation, would/could you use marijuana for stress, anxiety etc?
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 09, 2020 11:01PM
I did my best to track down more than the miserably bad abstract that provides virtually no useful information about the content of the paper itself but have come up empty handed and I'm not about to spend $35 for a copy of the original. All I see are a bunch of broad generalizations based on... well, I have no idea what they're based on other than perhaps the researchers having watched Reefer Madness at some point.

Considering that marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I substance, doing research on it directly is virtually impossible, so I'm extremely skeptical of all research results and conclusions involving cannabis. They can only be based on the flimsiest of evidence since doing actual controlled trials involving marijuana is illegal virtually worldwide.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 09, 2020 11:50PM
funny I had an EP appointment yesterday and he (NP) pulled up a thing stating how it can increase QT and I am on dofetlide so that was disappointing. We have used MMJ in the house for other issues very successfully. (We don't smoke it but bake it and then put it in oil- and use it like a med estimating the mg /ml.). I wish there was more info out there on this stuff. but yea not likely to get studies done ...sadly.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 12:12AM
Betty, can you find the paper stating it widens Qt? I'd like to see that.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 02:06AM
Betty, can you find the paper stating it widens Qt? I'd like to see that.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/10/2020 02:08AM by GeorgeN.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 02:27AM
[pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] Says it doesn’t widen at.

My husband has a pharmacy membership with pharmacy times. Pharmacists use the Info from the monthly magazine to aid in consulting patients. I thought it would be helpful to share. If you think it’s a miserable poor abstract then I feel bad for pharmacy patients because this is one avenue on how pharmacists are kept up to date to consult patients if they have questions. The magazine is given to all licensed pharmacists and drug stores.

Here are some articles I downloaded on marijuana. There are more:




Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 05:19AM
I only thought it was a miserably poor abstract because it doesn't give any specific of what they found or what conclusions they drew. It might be a great paper, but I don't have the time to read it to find out. That's what the abstract is supposed to do. I'm sure all their articles aren't like that. Just some people can write good abstracts and some can't.

It's not research people's fault that they can't obtain marijuana for research without jumping through ridiculous hoops that most of them can't or won't. But for that reason research on this plant has been set back over 80 years and is still being held back. So just view all the cannabis research you come across with a lot of skepticism. It's mostly either all old and completely unreliable research due to government influence, or it's brand new, obtained under limited circumstances, and hasn't been replicated.

A little story:

The company I retired from in 2019 manufactured high-end chemistry lab equipment, stuff like mass spectrometers, liquid chromatography, software to go with it, etc. About two years ago the CEO sent out a company-wide memo announcing that the company was going to create a new department devoted to marketing to the cannabis industry. The memo went on to say how this was a really risky, controversial move so it was to be considered completely hush hush.

That's how restrictive things have been. It's remarkable that prior to 1937, marijuana was routinely prescribed by doctors and pharmacists, but then it took until 2018 before it was even thinkable for a company to sell lab gear to the cannabis industry.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 07:39AM
California has free curbside. Easy to get. Right before covid19 (BC) the swat team had helicopters over a full mile or two in each direction blocking the hospital and shopping center near me. Someone decided to rob a marijuana store. Poor decision with cameras and such. They roped off and closed the surrounding areas, streets and police were in hundreds everywhere. Not good for a hospital and ER that was across the street. I’m mentioning this because my Ring device has a neighborhood forum one posts crimes and videos. People complaining the police is too spread out to bother showing up. But a reefer shop and the entire area had helicopters and street closures and many divisions of police. Go figure.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 02:15PM
Just a comment about the "study" I posted above.

There is no context about arrhythmia levels in non cannabis using teenagers. The largest absolute is 0.35% for long QT syndrome.

From this Epidemiology of Arrhythmias in Children "Only 5% of the emergency hospital admissions in the paediatric population is attributed to symptomatic arrhythmias "

The total of all the arrhythmias in the cannabis study is < 0.7%. Hence a lot less than 5%. You could state "the prevalence of arrhythmias in cannabis using teens is much less than normal.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 05:53PM
Thanks for posting that. I did not ask for the article the NP was looking at (I think I wrote down in notes where it was from). I am very pro medical marijuana.. and pro marijuana in general. And pro doing what you want for your medications etc.. Big Parma is a thing- but I am also so thankful for medicines and I wouldn't be alive with out docs and drugs. MJ needs to be legal nationally so that there can be studies like there are for other supplements. (At least some..)
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 07:21PM
I've never been a fan of grass but when I was cycling around the world in 1992, I developed a persistent cough. I went to a standard French pharmacy and explained my situation. They gave me a little box of dark amber pates, I took a few in my mouth and went on down the road. Within 40 minutes, an intense urge to sleep overcame me, narcoleptic like. I ended up laying in the grass next to my bike on the side of the road in the hot French April sunshine. It must have looked liked I had been hit and struck by a semi but I was too sleepy to consider appearances. Sometime later a crowd and police surrounded me to check on my condition. I explained I was OK but they insisted I move along. I was able to keep riding after my nap and figured out the problem later that night after I took more of the pates. The OTC cough candy they gave me had morphine* listed in the ingredients. As you can guess my dreams were spectacular that night. Vivid and intense. I became a bit of a morphine fiend from then on. Most trips to France included at least one trip to the pharmacy and if I wasn't careful about it, no trips to the toilet. The one downside. Sometime between 2000 - 2010 they stopped selling these and most pharmacists will act as if they never did sell them but for a while there was something in France to look forward to above and beyond Carl Marletti and Pierre Herme.

* likely it was the morphine analog PHO listed as (3-(2-morpholinoethyl)morphine)
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 10, 2020 09:27PM
If one has had cancer you will be higher on the list.

COVID-19 vaccines can be given out only after an FDA Emergency Use Authorization. Once the authorization happens, the vaccines will be given to New York State, which will then give them to hospitals and other facilities that apply for them. Healthcare workers and first responders will be the first group to receive vaccines. This group will get a small number of vaccines by the end of the year. The next group to get the vaccines includes older people and those with high-risk medical conditions, such as cancer.

Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 11, 2020 01:41AM
I'm sure you didn't mean to say that only NY would be receiving vaccines or receiving them first. That's not true.

Vaccines will be delivered to all the states based on population, and then it's up to the states to prioritize how they will be distributed within the state. Although the prioritizations are usually pretty similar (health care workers, first responders, high risk patients, and so on), there is no national policy. States are free to do as they will with their allotment of vaccines. I'm hoping this doesn't get politicized and we end up with some states doing it all wrong, or even not distributing the vaccine at all, but given the events of the last few weeks I'm not so confident of that.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 11, 2020 02:51AM
I shared a Sloan Kettering email. SK is in NY. They are referring to their patients.
Re: Marijuana use in patients with CVD can be risky
December 11, 2020 05:58AM
Oh, didn't realize you were quoting.
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