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Back in Austin

Posted by rocketritch 
Back in Austin
October 28, 2020 11:32PM
Ablation went well today. Dr. Natale popped in for a few minutes a short time ago. My LAA was still firing off causing my issues. Not sure what else he did.

If you have read through this my original ablation post. I have mentioned that my LAA is really small and that he is unable to use his normal LAA tool.

We will talk more tomorrow with the rest of his team.

The new EP Wing here is absolutely amazing.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2020 03:42AM by rocketritch.
Re: Back in Austin
October 29, 2020 12:22AM
Best of luck!
Re: Back in Austin
October 29, 2020 03:28AM
Re: Back in Austin
October 29, 2020 01:07PM
Best to you, and I agree - that new wing is indeed amazing, as are the people at TCAI/St Davids.
Re: Back in Austin
October 29, 2020 01:30PM
Wish you the best.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2020 01:30PM by Pompon.
Re: Back in Austin
October 29, 2020 01:38PM
Congrats on a successful 2nd procedure. See if they can get you off the heart healthy diet as soon as possible. My TGs doubled while I was there (but 6 days) - hopefully you won't have an extended stay.
Re: Back in Austin
October 29, 2020 10:35PM
See if they can get you off the heart healthy diet as soon as possible. My TGs doubled while I was there (but 6 days) - hopefully you won't have an extended stay.

They cut me loose this morning. My wife helped me with the salmon last night and my omelet this morning. Kept the oatmeal for myself.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2020 05:43PM by rocketritch.
Re: Back in Austin
November 03, 2020 02:49PM

All the best to you. 2 with Dr. N. was the charm for me. You'll be fine. Eat well.

Re: Back in Austin
November 03, 2020 09:25PM

What factors led you back for 2nd procedure?


How are you doing now? NSR? Rate high or low?

Will you update now and then?

Re: Back in Austin
November 04, 2020 01:50PM
Sounds good: keep us posted.
Re: Back in Austin
November 04, 2020 04:56PM
What factors led you back for 2nd procedure?

This was my third with Natale.

Is20 or so recordable events since June. Many with rates at or above 180bpm. At first I thought it was just going to be a one off issue. Hours and stress at work were off the charts.

Then, as I noted on my thread, I thought it could be related to a hiatal hernia or the pheneric nerve but issues still persisted.
There were also discussions with Dr Natale to try and determine what the cause could possibly be. Especially since I seem to have history of a spine in events at certain times of the year.

During the ablation it was found the my LAA was still causing an issue. This is the third time Dr. Natale has addressed my LAA. My LAA is of a shape and size he is unable to use his normal tool to isolate it. So he has to use a different technique. Which, adds a level of difficulty due to the structural make-up of the LAA.

He also addressed a right atrium, non-sustained arrhythmia triggered by targeted electrograms. Superior vena cava isolation was also performed.
(Shannon if your reading this please chime in for more detailed clarification of LAA or anything else for that matter.)


I don't qualify for a watchman at this time. I did accumulate a point while in Austin but I need 3 to be eligible. Dr. Natale did measure my LAA though so we at least know what size watchman I will need.

How are you doing now?

As I mentioned in my ongoing thread each ablation has its own nuances. How you feel following the procedure is going to vary vastly. My biggest issue this time was sleep.
I did not sleep much prior to my ablation on Wednesday. Between work, travel and anticipation sleep eluded me. Even following the ablation I had a hard time sleeping. Even my normal dose of melatonin only allowed me to sleep for several hours that night at the hospital. I did sleep some the evening I was released back at the hotel but not restful sleep. I've been making up for that since retuning home.


In NSR on 25mg of metoprolol BID. And 5mg of elequis.

Rate high or low?

Rate right now as I sit here writing is 67 bpm. My average resting for the past 7 days has been 58bpm. The highest rate I have seen is 131bpm on October 30.These rates are coming from a Garmin watch so I'm not counting on true accuracy but acceptable. I will say I haven't felt any abnormal heartbeats to this point.

Will you update now and then?

As always I will keep my thread UTD.
Re: Back in Austin
November 04, 2020 06:41PM
Thank you.
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