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September 26, 2020 04:09AM
Will I have to remain on eliquis for ectopic beats? Getting few thousand daily 3.5 months post ablation. Hoping to kick the blood thinner soon checking here to see if anyone has been kept in eliquis for ectopics. No afibb just damn annoying ectopics now.
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 05:46AM
There are several reasons to take a blood thinner, mostly evaluated with your CHADS/VASC score. Having ectopics counts for nothing.
It's usual taking a blood thinner for some months after ablation.
I don't know if there are other reasons for your to carry on taking eliquis longer than that. Your EP knows for sure.
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 02:16PM
Think CHADS score is 0. 40 male 6'4 and 204lbs no other medical issues. Meet with EP in a couple weeks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/26/2020 03:08PM by Kleinkp.
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 02:52PM
I'm ok with eliquis as long as covid is an issue. It's a good drug for the pandemic toolbox.
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 04:05PM
If you're a CHADS 0 and beyond three months post-ablation, your EP will probably be okay with you stopping. The ectopics don't matter. But NLAMA has a point about Eliquis and COVID. I wouldn't be in a rush to stop it right now. If you do stop it, consider keeping what you have left over and maybe even refilling it for another month or two and keeping those bottles on hand.
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 04:21PM
Assuming covid comes with stroke risk?
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 06:38PM
Thrombosis in covid is well documented. So much so I've been worried that people that don't need anticoags like us AF'rs would get it as a prophylactic.

Keep a stock on hand if you can and don't toss them.

Even if off of them, I plan to take anti-coags before any long plane trips on top of being ultra-hydrated and giving blood prior to the trip.
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 06:59PM
I thought it was other blood thinners that worked for the covid thrombosis issue... I had been wondering and recently re-started b/c of an Afib episode. But curious because I had read that the xeraltos/eliquis.. were not the right type of thinners for covid blocks.. ??
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 09:27PM
BettyLou - True - heparin is the preference in hospital setting. But in my case I'm going with what I have control over considering that the carelessness occurring all around us may result in a tsunami when compared to the first wave. Getting an MD or a hospital bed may not be possible if things get really bad. If I'm wrong, I still have Eliquis for what it's prescribed for and have wasted about $500 stocking up on drugs in case hospitals are full.

Some trials are in process - [www.statnews.com]

Demand - [www.fiercepharma.com]
Re: Ectopics
September 26, 2020 10:32PM
The anticoagulants used for AF aren't the preferred choice in COVID treatment, but it's what we've got. No doctor is going to give you a prescription for heparin because it's administered by injection and requires monitoring. Lovanox is a substitute and also injected but it can be self-administered at home. But I doubt any doctor would give you a Lovanox prescription as a prophylactic for COVID.

So the NOACs are probably better than nothing.
Re: Ectopics
October 03, 2020 02:06AM
Low molecular weight heparin is an injection with a VERY short half-life and requires constant monitoring of something called activated clotting time (ACT) in a hospital setting only. It’s only ever used in a surgical setting and isn’t a long-term anticoagulant. You’d kill yourself with it. Quickly.
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