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Posted by JoyWin 
August 16, 2020 01:21AM
I’ve recently had my medication changed to Verapamil (Cordilox 240 SR) and increased Apaxiban to 5mg x2 daily because of long And increased episodes of AF/Flutter sometimes requiring ambulance and hospital.

Obviously hospital is last place I want to be right now due to COVID 19.
We are currently in stage 4 lockdown where I live in Australia.

Because of my age, late 70s, and a really nasty reflux and ulcerated esophagus , I am concerned with the higher dose of Apaxiban. I wondered if I could take the old dose of 2.5mg and when I have an episode, take an extra 2.5 and then 5mg for the next few days..
I’m always aware when I have an event as very symptomatic, even waking if I get one when asleep (rare) I do get side effects with Apaxiban, but have lived with them on lower. dose.
Also pharmacist went over side effects of Verapamil and mentioned arrhythmia as one?

I am considering ablation, but my concern has been my age. I have an excellent Electrophysiologist in Prof Jonathan Kalman.
Re: Apaxiban
August 16, 2020 04:16AM
Apixaban, sold under the brand name Eliquis in the US, is one of the safest anticoagulants available. I really wouldn't be concerned with going from a half-dose (2.5 mg) to the full dose your doc is recommending. It's really just kind of a non-event.

But what sort of side effects do you get from it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2020 04:29AM by Carey.
Re: Apaxiban
August 16, 2020 06:38AM
Hi Carey

Thanks for responding.

My side effects include dizziness, joint pain, gastrointestinal discomfort. I also bleed quite freely from tiny cuts. Because I had a PE 3 years ago whilst taking Eliquis, I’m not sure if that’s a good reason to up the dose or stay as I am on the smaller dose.
Of course I’d like to avoid a stroke at any price... however I also want to avoid a major bleed.
Re: Apaxiban
August 16, 2020 03:29PM
Eliquis has about the lowest bleed risk of all the NOACs, warfarin and aspirin, so you're already minimizing that risk. And just because small cuts seem to bleed longer doesn't mean you have a major bleeding risk. Quite the contrary. The fact that you experienced a PE while on Eliquis suggests you have a high clotting risk and definitely need to be on something. For the side effects, you could ask your doc to switch you to one of the other NOACs such as Xarelto.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2020 04:13PM by Carey.
Re: Apaxiban
August 17, 2020 01:52PM
Is there a test that can be done to see if I can get by with only 1 eliquis a day? I am arguably 0 or 1 on Chads Vasc. All of my previous conditions have been addressed with diet and exercise.
Re: Apaxiban
August 17, 2020 02:25PM
There are no tests I know of. And not sure what that would accomplish other than reducing the level of protection it provides.
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