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Ejection Fraction
May 12, 2020 11:59PM
I just had a Echo Cardiogram ran. The Cardiologist said it was “borderline” low; 45-50%.
In Dec. 2016, I had a TEE ran at Austin and it showed Ejection Fraction at 55-60%.
How accurate is the Echo compared to a TEE? I will be doing a chemical stress test next week because of my back disability. I have been feeling SOB but I have been under a lot of tension, stress from tapering off Klonopin for 2+ years. I am 11 days without any Benzos or gabapentin so it’s been hard but I am getting better.

Could my 2 Ablations have anything to do with this lower Ejection Fraction reading? Also to be honest, certain medication help me put on 50+ lbs over the last 2 years. I have now lost 15 of them but approximately 40 lbs. to go.
I have read where weight gain could cause this issue.
Any comments?
Re: Ejection Fraction
May 13, 2020 12:06AM
Both are echograms and I’d believe both are accurate. If you’ve gained weight and ostensibly increased blood pressure then I’d wager that’s where the reduced EF comes from. A couple of years is about the right time frame for such a change to manifest itself.

Congratulations on the recent weight loss! I’d continue down that path and I think the benefits will follow in short order.
Re: Ejection Fraction
May 13, 2020 04:14AM
I agree with wolfpack's reply. A TEE is usually more accurate but that was four years ago and things could have changed. You've got to trust the more recent echo. Carry on with the weight loss and add in more exercise as you can and I predict you'll get back to your 55-60%. It wasn't the ablation.
Re: Ejection Fraction
May 13, 2020 09:13AM
These tests vary depending on the Doctor, how they interpret the readings. I have had my EF numbers vary from 50-55, to 65-70 in the over 25 TEE/Echos I have had done over the last 10 years.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/2020 09:14AM by The Anti-Fib.
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