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Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 09, 2020 11:34PM

I was wondering if anyone knows what causes this and how to stop it? I am 29 have had Afib 1.5 years and I’m on flecainide and beta blocker daily. Usually everything is fine but lately I get really loud palpitations at night (in nsr still) but I can’t sleep because it’s literally all I can hear. Is this a cause for concern? Any way to stop this and is it linked to Afib at all.

Thought I’d ask here given all the knowledge here

Many thanks!
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 09, 2020 11:47PM

Years ago, I recall that low potassium can cause you to hear beats in your ear. What I do for potassium is I put 2 tsp potassium citrate powder in a liter of water and drink slowly over time. 2 tsp is about 4 gr potassium. High doses of potassium, taken at once, will just be urinated out.

Good luck!

Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 12:03AM
Hi George

Thank you. I will order some. I had two bananas yesterday so
Thought that potassium might help but guess I need to build up dosages over time
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 12:56AM
Hi George

Thank you. I will order some. I had two bananas yesterday so
Thought that potassium might help but guess I need to build up dosages over time

Bananas are kind of a yea/boo. The high glycemic content of the banana will signal the kidney to excrete the potassium. According to the USDA database, 1 medium banana has 422 mg of potassium.
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 03:38AM
I get them too. I don’t notice them as much if I sleep on my right side.
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 04:17AM
Thanks guys. But they are nothing to worry about in terms of being dangerous right?
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 05:35AM
Usually everything is fine but lately I get really loud palpitations at night (in nsr still) but I can’t sleep because it’s literally all I can hear. Is this a cause for concern?

I doubt it's a cause for alarm, but I'm not sure I really understand. When you say you "hear" your palpitations do you mean that literally? You actually hear them? Do you also feel them?

Also, being 29 and having had AF for 1.5 years is rather unusual. Is it safe to assume you've had a thorough cardiac workup?
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 06:56AM
"Loud" beats with regular rhythm may be caused by ectopics in regular pattern (bigeminal).
I've experienced that.
But, sometimes in the night, I may have loud normal beats, without ectopics. I can't explain why. I talked about them to my cardiologist, but she said it's harmless.
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 01:30PM

Usually everything is fine but lately I get really loud palpitations at night (in nsr still) but I can’t sleep because it’s literally all I can hear. Is this a cause for concern?

I doubt it's a cause for alarm, but I'm not sure I really understand. When you say you "hear" your palpitations do you mean that literally? You actually hear them? Do you also feel them?

Also, being 29 and having had AF for 1.5 years is rather unusual. Is it safe to assume you've had a thorough cardiac workup?

Hi Carey

I can hear my heart beating as if I had just gone for a run, very pronounced and thus unable to sleep. It’s not fast or slow, steady pace and NSR.

What do you mean by through cardiac work up? I’ve had an echocardiogram and Holter monitors and ecgs etc but that’s about all. Now just on the meds for life
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 01:50PM
I can hear my heart beating as if I had just gone for a run, very pronounced and thus unable to sleep. It’s not fast or slow, steady pace and NSR.

I had this experience when I was keto adapting in 2009. It was clearly related to an electrolyte disturbance (in my case) related to the keto adaptation. I remember thinking, if this persists, it will lead to an afib episode, and it did. When I became adapted, the electrolytes normalized and the loud beating went away.

Prior to this, there was discussion here of loud beats being related to potassium. In my case, it turned out to be both potassium & magnesium.
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 02:58PM
I hate to write this but have to.

Assume I am low mag and pot - I take 4gms a day (sipping) and have normal visits to the toilet for 4 days.

On day 5 + these visits become emergencies, if you know what I mean.

Think of the way they advertise furniture and appliance bankruptcy sales on TV, aka "emergency blowout liquidation" or EBL from now on.

So I am having a series of EBLs on the 4gms a day - does this mean that I am now saturated but wasn't initially?

This is why it took 4 days with no EBL to get my mag/pot tank 'filled' ?
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 10, 2020 07:29PM
Assume I am low mag and pot - I take 4gms a day (sipping) and have normal visits to the toilet for 4 days.

On day 5 + these visits become emergencies, if you know what I mean.

Think of the way they advertise furniture and appliance bankruptcy sales on TV, aka "emergency blowout liquidation" or EBL from now on.

So I am having a series of EBLs on the 4gms a day - does this mean that I am now saturated but wasn't initially?

This is why it took 4 days with no EBL to get my mag/pot tank 'filled' ?

is the 4g mag or potassium? Mag, yes, potassium less likely.

I always thought my magnesium stores would fill up. They never have. I can get loose stools, but at absurdly high intakes of magnesium and they aren't EBL.

If it is the potassium, you might back off and work up slowly. If magnesium, then drop back to a level that is OK on the bowels.
Re: Heart palpitations at night and unable to sleep
May 11, 2020 02:07AM
Understood. Thank you.
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