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Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips

Posted by cirenepurzalot 
Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 10, 2020 09:21PM
Does anyone have any tips that will help one recover from ablations and have an easier blanking period? (ie Supplements, regiments, etc....)

Even starting immediately after the ablation and for the next few months?

Thanks in advance for your wisdom and insight!
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 10, 2020 11:19PM
Hydrate, 10 pound lifting limit. I went on my treadmill after a week or two but it wasn’t fast (1.8) .

When I had my ablation I was given a lasix Rx in case I gained 2-4 pounds from water retention. I would say to don’t eat salty food If your legs swell. I only needed one dose.

Good luck with your ablation!
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 12:15AM
Thanks 👍
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 01:24AM
Assuming you lead a reasonably healthy lifestyle, just continue what you normally do. There's no general advice anyone can give you on this. Do as Susan suggested. There are no magic potions or supplements anyone can recommend. Stay in touch with your EP (probably via an NP) , report any problems to them, follow their advice, and otherwise just do what you do. "Recovery" from an ablation for most people is a nothing. It's 5 days of a lifting restriction followed by going about your life as you wish. And the lifting restriction is exactly that. I did a 50-mile bike ride in hilly terrain 3 days after an ablation and I did it with full EP blessings. Riding a bike, running, etc -- those things aren't lifting. Do all you want.
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 01:40AM
Awesome Carey! Thanks!
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 02:56AM
One thing that can be noticed following an ablation, is the elevated resting heart rate. And don’t think that just because your heart rate is fine a few hours after the procedure that it will stay that way. It might rise slowly over the course of the first week or two. My heart rate was low for about 4 days after, and is now increasing. I hope it will not go up any further at this point. I hope this helps.
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 04:32PM
Recovering from ablation is not necessarily as quick and easy for anyone. Time to heal is likely related to the work that's been done too. Some ablations require more work.
My advice is to be careful and to listen to your body... and your EP.
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 04:59PM
Have some good throat lozenges with you as your throat will be sore from intubation.
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 05:13PM
Thanks everyone for your insights and tips.
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 06:24PM
Thanks for all the great insights and advice. I truly appreciate it.
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 08:05PM
When is your ablation scheduled?
Re: Ablation Recovery and Blanking Period Tips
March 11, 2020 08:15PM
Next Wednesday...... eye popping smiley
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