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New or worse symptoms post ablation?

Posted by cirenepurzalot 
New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 19, 2020 04:25AM
Just wondering.... For those that have had an ablation, were there any symptoms that got worse, or new symptoms, after your ablation? Or is that uncommon? A general curiosity.
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 19, 2020 05:23AM
Nothing worse, except for the couple of weeks after m'y PVI. But I'm not yet afib free, after 4 ablations.

Most report having more ectopics, but no or very little afib. It seems ablation is great for preventing afib, but does not change the root cause of HR disorders, hence the ectopics.

I've never seen ablation as a problem, but as a solution.

Despite having still to deal with afib, I'd say my experience is positive :
- My afib burden is lower than before, symptoms are much lighter
- I'm feeling better
- I don't take meds
- I'm back to exercise (cycling) with pleasure, because there are no more meds to kill me.
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 19, 2020 08:32AM
Thanks a lot! Insightful indeed!
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 19, 2020 01:55PM
Having an ablation is a no brainer. But having it done correctly by someone that knows what they are doing is critical. Otherwise, the success will be limited. After my first ablation 13 years ago, I felt 100% normal from the day after until it returned last fall. I had my second ablation on January 6th and all is well, but I did have a few bouts of afib/arrhythmias the first few days, but Flecainide knocked that out completely. I will stop the Flec. in two weeks and hope for the best.

On the other hand, I had afib for 11 years, 6 years on meds and my lifestyle was essentially unaffected. 3 bouts a month for a half day didn't impact much. If I was in afib, I didn't workout, but that was it. I decided on an ablation so that I could go on some extended hiking trips in Europe with an outdoor group, and I didn't want to worry about having an episode in the middle of a hike.
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 19, 2020 03:18PM
That’s very encouraging. Thanks so much!
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 19, 2020 05:29PM
I got PVCs ten days after my ablation in September 2019. It started low burden, December 11th was the last day wearing the zio patch. I had a 27.8% pvc burden for that day with an overall fourteen day average of 17.3% (gradually getting worst). Now I think it’s over 90% maybe constant close to 100%. I’m now getting random runs of tachy. At least with tachy short runs my heart returns to a gentle NSR for at least 15 minutes before the PVCs resumes. Yesterday was 8 pounding beats I felt-very strong. Natale’s NP is great and confirmed it was PVCs and not AF. Honestly it feels like AF- an animal trying to escape my chest. My highest Kardia 6L reading was 180s tachy. I’m now getting days -two in a row sometimes—where my PVCs are slow and my HR is 34-36. I saw my oncologist two weeks ago and I was very cold, they put an oximeter on my finger and close to two hours my HR was a steady pvc 34-36. Last week I saw my GI doctor and it was 40. I get very symptomatic when my HR is under 40 with dizziness. I called my local EP up because he is the one on his Kardia program and he gets daily strips. He said if I get dizzy I should go to the ER. what can the ER do? So I have not gone yet to the ER.

My local EP told me that PVCs are normal because of the inflammation from the burning but it should be gone approximately by the 6th month post ablation. My local EP scheduled for an echo at the end of the 6 months to see how much wear and tear my heart went through. Maybe Natale will want it sooner than March 30th. 20,000 daily PVCs seems to be the guidelines for concern. That’s approximately 20% burden. I was way past that since December.

I see Natale tomorrow to discuss a pvc ablation to hopefully fix this. He wants to repeat the zio patch hopefully tomorrow....and then we will know my current pvc burden.
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 19, 2020 06:30PM
In so sorry to hear that.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/20/2020 12:08AM by cirenepurzalot.
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 19, 2020 07:23PM
Just wondering.... For those that have had an ablation, were there any symptoms that got worse, or new symptoms, after your ablation? Or is that uncommon? A general curiosity.
The statistics tell us that complications (if done by a top-notch, high volume ablationist) are rare, new or worse symptoms rarely arise, but for those few it happens to, it isn't fun. If only we could predict ahead of time if we would be one of those few. That said, the statistics are very much in favor of a good outcome.
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 20, 2020 12:09AM
Thanks Daisy!
Re: New or worse symptoms post ablation?
February 21, 2020 11:18PM
Symptoms, for me, never changed, after ablation. Dr's were very anxious to do it, but it didn't change anything. I found other things that made a difference. Diet, for one. The right vitamin/mineral regimen for two.
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