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Dr. Pappone in Milan
February 07, 2020 12:09AM
We used to hear about the work of Dr. Pappone in Italy but I haven’t heard him mentioned for a long time. Does anyone know what he is doing these days?

Re: Dr. Pappone in Milan
February 07, 2020 01:35AM
Published this in 2018.

"Clinical Outcome of Electrophysiologically Guided Ablation for Nonparoxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Using a Novel Real-Time 3-Dimensional Mapping Technique . Results From a Prospective Randomized Trial."
Re: Dr. Pappone in Milan
February 07, 2020 10:56AM
Thanks George, I had found that when I googled him but couldn’t find anything else. He used to be one of the front runners, or else made a lot of noise, but he has gone very quiet.

Re: Dr. Pappone in Milan
February 07, 2020 02:38PM
Hi Gill, I remember those days when if it came to ablations it was Milan Italy, Cleveland??? USA and Bordeaux France, not necessarily in that order. This may well have been because this Forum is English speaking and the original creator Hans (Larsen) a Canadian??? went to Bordeaux as did countless others, me included, following in his footsteps. I actually don't remember one Forum member going to Milan.

Last I heard a Dr? Shilling was considered the top EP in the UK however he didn't make the cut - apologise for that - when it came to being in the above mentioned league. Surely there must also be a top German EP unheard of on this Forum. The first EP I ever met was a very nice Chinese guy in the small hospital in Macau, an ex-Portuguese Colony where I was working just an hours ferry ride from Hong Kong. On confirming I had Afib he suggested he could do the ablation or if I should so wish he could get me an ablation in Beijing the capital of China. Not knowing any Chinese world re-known EP I said thanks but no thanks and would prefer to go to France. His face was incredulous that I would travel all that way rather than a few hours up the road to Beijing where they do exactly the same procedure on a country wide population which is now 1.3billion people i.e. 4 times the population of America.

Barry G.
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