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Looking for advice to treat sleep apnea (which type of Cpap machine,etc.)
July 16, 2019 05:00PM
I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea. Have learned about mouth taping and proper breathing techniques.

Is it possible to incorporate both, mouth taping and a Cpap machine?

If so, which Cpap machine is the best and most comfortable to use?

Thanks in advance.
Re: Looking for advice to treat sleep apnea (which type of Cpap machine,etc.)
July 16, 2019 06:26PM
Hello there. Please consider investigating a mandibular advancement device instead of a cpap. It is much more comfortable. My wife wears one and I highly recommend going this route unless your insurance won't cover it. She uses a brand called TAP. Good luck.
Re: Looking for advice to treat sleep apnea (which type of Cpap machine,etc.)
July 18, 2019 08:12PM
I've worn my mask every single night for 2+ years. I'm using a ResMed machine my insurance partially paid for. I believe that more important than the machine, is the fit and comfort of the mask itself. There are quite a few options available, and I think it's important to work with your sleep therapist to find the one that you are most comfortable with. Don't be shy about asking to try different styles until you find the one that is most comfortable for you, because that is the one that you'll be ok wearing. It takes some folks awhile to accept and adapt to wearing one. The benefits are real and substantial. I like the ResMed because there's also an app (well of course there is), that uploads my sleep data every night and I can see the # of events per hour, amount, if any, of mask leaks and other info. And if you are the kind that really geeks out, you can pull the SD card it records to and load the data into free software and delve deep into the data.

According to a poster on the door in my examining room at Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia when I saw Dr. Natale this week, those with afib and untreated SA are:

2x at risk for stroke
2x the risk for sudden cardiac death
5x the risk for cardiovascular mortality
and 57% increased risk for recurrence of afib after ablation

I've heard of people taping, especially if they are using a nasal mask.

The best and most comfortable to use? That's the one that YOU are comfortable wearing and doesn't leak excessively, because that's the one that you will wear.
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