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Magnesium Bioavailability Reports

Posted by Jackie 
Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 07, 2018 02:50PM

An observational, review report on the various types of magnesium and bioavailability.
Magnesium: Overcoming Challenges in Measuring and Addressing Deficiencies
by Stephen Ashmead, MS, MBA

Followed by a white paper on the topic at this link….
Advantages of Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate Buffered
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 07, 2018 02:56PM
Hi Jackie,

Thanks for that.

I'm at bowel tolerance with just 3-400mg Mg via Waller Water (and in a proper mess at 750!!)..... I can see the Bisglycinate Chelate is the best the best option of the ones reviewed - I wonder how WW compares??


Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 07, 2018 03:14PM
Hi Mike - I am not aware of any formal comparison studies with the magnesium bicarbonate ion water... although there may be some listed at the Paul Mason's website... www.mgwater.com

I recall Erling consulting with Paul when we were working on the WW formulation and making comparisons of the studies done back then with Dr. Russell Beckett's Unique Water formulation and comparing it to the natural spring magnesium water from Paul's Adobe Springs in California. I have a ton of archived material. I'll see if I can find something relevant that may not be at Mgwater.com...although I doubt it..since Paul's website is so extensive. Maybe you'll find something there.

I've always been confident in the overall basic repletion benefits of the magnesium bicarbonate but just to be sure, I do add some additional magnesium bisglycinate.

Sure wish there was an easily available test for IC magnesium.

Be well,
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 07, 2018 08:47PM
Mike - Here's clip from Erling's post on the magnesium bicarbonate ion

"The advantages of the aqueous neutral to mildly alkaline metal bicarbonate solution of the invention are that the magnesium cations function as bicarbonate [anion] transporters into body cells. Magnesium bicarbonate enters body cells and the bicarbonate anions function to displace from equilibrium the dissociation reaction of intracellular carbonic acid. Magnesium bicarbonate enters body cells and the bicarbonate anions function as an intracellular proton sink (or proton scavenger). Magnesium bicarbonate enters body cells and the bicarbonate anions function to displace from equilibrium the hydration reaction of carbon dioxide which is catalysed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase."


Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 07, 2018 08:55PM
Thanks Jackie.

.........Errrrrrm... what does that mean exactly??!! spinning smiley sticking its tongue out spinning smiley sticking its tongue out I must admit after half a dozen re-reads I'm still lost!
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 08, 2018 12:27AM

I think the bicarb is very bioavailable. Dumping protons is a good thing.

In Jackie's first link, it says Stephen Ashmead, MS, MBA, is a Senior Fellow for Balchem Corporation. Turns out Balchem owns Albion that makes the mag glycinate product. <[www.balchem.com] Now, I think Albion makes a good product, I purchase their di-magnesium malate powder in 3 pound bags.

My own experience, as someone who takes a lot of magnesium, is that beyond the oxide, the differences in bioavailability are overstated, at least for me (and did work for Herbert C. Mansmann Jr., M.D., who took up to 20g/day of Mag to mitigate diabetic neuropathy and whose research I looked at hard early on). Even oxide works for me. I also have no problem with the Albion mag glycinate, I think it is a good product and is a good place to start. However I'm a big fan of doing your own testing and seeing what works for you.

When I was looking at this topic hard about 10 years ago, the only data I could find on actual repletion of intracellular mag as defined by an Exatest, was topical magnesium oil (a supersaturated solution of magnesium chloride and water).

Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 08, 2018 12:37AM
From one of the papers cited by Ashmead,<[onlinelibrary.wiley.com] " Results: For the patient group as a whole, Mg absorption was low but was not different for the two supplements (23.5% vs 22.8% for magnesium chelate and MgO, respectively). However, Mg absorption was substantially greater from the chelate (23.5% vs 11.8%; p <.05) in the four patients who showed the greatest impairment of magnesium absorption with MgO and was better tolerated by all patients." Perhaps cherry picking by Ashmead?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2018 12:38AM by GeorgeN.
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 08, 2018 08:45AM
Many thanks for that George - much appreciated.
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 08, 2018 12:32PM
Hi George - Thanks for that sleuthing to reveal the bias of the report. I had mistakenly assumed it did not have a corporate link. Jackie
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 08, 2018 04:35PM
Mike - The focus of the magnesium bicarbonate water... speaks to the benefits from maintaining alkaline tissue in the body and how that supports and facilitates transport of the magnesium into the body in a predictable and more "reliable" fashion... (my own interpretation).

The many links to the benefits of Unique Water and also Adobe Springs water all focus on the the positive results of drinking alkaline water (for tissue) that provides health and longevity. The Unique Water is based on the observations that sheep drinking spring water that was alkaline were healthier and lived longer than those drinking from a non-alkaline spring source which fostered the basis for the patent to produce and market the Unique Water. Whereas, the Adobe Springs water is naturally sourced but is also bottled and sold.

Check some of the reference reports listed at this website for the basis of the benefits of the alkaline water in the early years of it's offering.

Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 09, 2018 08:56PM
Thanks Jackie (-:
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 12:20AM
The Unique Water is based on the observations that sheep drinking spring water that was alkaline were healthier and lived longer than those drinking from a non-alkaline spring source which fostered the basis for the patent to produce and market the Unique Water.

That's actually funny, but sounds about right. Stresses the point that you can get pretty much anything you want out of "scientfic" study.
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 04:05AM

The Unique Water is based on the observations that sheep drinking spring water that was alkaline were healthier and lived longer than those drinking from a non-alkaline spring source which fostered the basis for the patent to produce and market the Unique Water.

That's actually funny, but sounds about right. Stresses the point that you can get pretty much anything you want out of "scientfic" study.

Are you saying that what this vet observed in the Eden-Monaro area in NSW (Australia) is bogus?
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 04:43AM

out of "scientfic" study.

Are you saying that what this vet observed in the Eden-Monaro area in NSW (Australia) is bogus?
Pretty much....

You can hypothesize about anything...proving it is far more difficult. For starters, you'd need a large flock that gets randomly divided, and then have to make sure that the only difference over the course of their lifetime is non-alkaline vs alkaline water. If the water is from another source, that would introduce other possible factors that aren't being measured. Then the problem of measuring "healthier." Next, sheep aren't humans. If there is tester bias, like potential marketing profits, you can pretty much forget the whole thing unless the results can be duplicated.
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 05:47AM
The measurement of healthier was easy for him. Longer fertility cycle and fewer health problems.
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 12:49PM
Joe - Visit Paul Mason's Magnesium Water website for more confirmation that alkaline water has many health benefits...

Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 02:06PM
The measurement of healthier was easy for him. Longer fertility cycle and fewer health problems.

wonderful! then it should be even easier to test on yourself, and see what aspects of your health are dependent on alkaline water. You could go on and off it several times, and measure the differences.

PS My personal preference is to chomp on an apple. Cheaper

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/15/2018 02:21PM by jpeters.
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 02:46PM
Joe - It's the continual alkalizing benefits of the water.

The details of the study is one example of how maintaining alkalinity is beneficial.

Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 03:19PM
Joe - It's the continual alkalizing benefits of the water.

The details of the study is one example of how maintaining alkalinity is beneficial.

Jackie, an comparisons of water vs. foods in maintaining alkalinity?
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 07:08PM
jpeters - the comparisons are unique to the individual depending on the choice of alkaline foods and the influences that detract from the body's ability to maintain alkalinity consistently. Apples are alkaline... if they are organic, because the pesticide residues cause detoxification issues that competes with maintaining alkaline levels. Vegetarian diets... the same thing.

You need both alkaline foods and alkaline water to help maintain a constant state of cellular alkalinity.

As referenced in the sheep-versus-people model... the sheep or cattle are ' mostly vegetarians'... yet they didn't alkalize enough to be equal in comparison to the additional beneficial influence of the alkaline water source versus the non-source... and the difference was longevity. Animals and people who tend to be acidic in tissue pH have more health issues and don't live as long.

Even negative emotions (such as anger, fear, overwork, jealousy, stress) cause acidic tissue pH So it's easy to see how eating alkaline could be overpowered by negative influences so by additionally hydrating well and often with the Magnesium bicarbonate water, provides not only the essential magnesium, but the special bicarbonate ion as well.

As mentioned in the book, "Healing is Voltage"... with "voltage" being synonymous with tissue pH... an acidic body supports disease conditions.

There is a pH testing tape or strip product that is easy to check consistency of tissue pH - either saliva or urine.
Several brands. I've used Body Rescue.

Details are in the book, Alkalize or Die by Theodore A. Baroody, DC, ND, PhD Nutrition CNC

Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 15, 2018 08:50PM
Thanks, I'll look into it. Took your advice and picked up some Mk-7 soft gell tablets at Whole Foods (Jarrow). My INR was a little high (Taurine??) so I'm taking advantage of it.
Re: Magnesium Bioavailability Reports
June 16, 2018 07:33AM

The measurement of healthier was easy for him. Longer fertility cycle and fewer health problems.

wonderful! then it should be even easier to test on yourself, and see what aspects of your health are dependent on alkaline water. You could go on and off it several times, and measure the differences.

PS My personal preference is to chomp on an apple. Cheaper

I don't buy Mg water, i make it myself and hopefully it keeps my afib quiet (and there are many variables as i've read on this site and others). I do eat fruit and lots of vegetables (8 to 10 /day).

Your doubts are understandable and i think many of us have them. That's why i look at the potential downside of everything.

As soon as someone comes up with a 100% i'll adopt it right away. So far i only notice symptom management with drugs and surgical interventions.
Might have to take them again but my resistance is based on feeling lousy when i took them. Perhaps i'm foolish to rely on the changes i made.
Don't even know if they were effective or if my afib would have gone 'dormant' anyway?
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