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Why do I experience....
March 30, 2018 07:32PM
pain when I fibrillate. Cat woke me up and AFib started at 1:30 am till 4:00 am.

The pain starts in my chest and moves up my throat, then it subsides a little.
Re: Why do I experience....
March 30, 2018 08:22PM
Have you ever had a stress test or angiogram some other cardiac workup?
Re: Why do I experience....
March 30, 2018 10:09PM
Two years ago was my second episode which was accompanied by pain lasting almost an hour until I got to the ER. I was then admitted and hospitalized for three days. That night I went into sinus.

I went through a battery of tests including a chemical stress test. Bloodwork was done each day to check on my enzymes and I was given a very painful shot in my stomach, once a day. Was released and told everything looked ok, however, I have A-Fib.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2018 10:13PM by Catherine.
Re: Why do I experience....
March 31, 2018 12:00AM
Just to be safe I would advise contacting a cardiologist and getting checked out. Afib can cause mild chest pain in some people with no heart disease, but that's a little unusual. Afib reduces cardiac output, typically something on the order of about 15%. If you have a partial blockage somewhere, a 15% reduction in blood flow combined with the increased workload of the high heart rate could result in chest pain as a symptom. It's probably just the afib, but if I were you I'd want to be sure.
Re: Why do I experience....
March 31, 2018 12:53PM
Yeah, I’m trying to muster up the courage. Thanks Carey.
Re: Why do I experience....
April 04, 2018 01:09PM
I do get chest pain when I have an episode. In fact it’s usually what alerts me to the fact I’m having an episode along with shortness of breath and dizziness. Carey I’m surprised you don’t think it’s a common side effect and makes me think maybe I should be stressing this with my Cardio. But I’ve had the complaint for 15 years and have episodes at least 3-4 times a month so I guess I’ve just accepted that how I should feel. And I’m usually so darn proactive with my health.
Re: Why do I experience....
April 04, 2018 06:15PM
Carey I’m surprised you don’t think it’s a common side effect and makes me think maybe I should be stressing this with my Cardio. But I’ve had the complaint for 15 years and have episodes at least 3-4 times a month so I guess I’ve just accepted that how I should feel.

I did say some people experience it, but the majority don't. Since you've been experiencing it with your afib for 15 years, you're obviously one of those people who do. There's no reason to seek a whole cardiac workup unless there are other reasons for it.
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