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Getting close to ablation date
March 16, 2018 03:22AM
Hi all!
My ablation is in less than 2 months. I've been looking at places to stay in Austin and found a cute Airbnb. It's above a garage so there are steps. Is that a problem after the ablation? I'm guessing I need to be careful but is that a bad idea? I am a bit worried about not being on meds and possibly needing an ambulance. Please advise.
Re: Getting close to ablation date
March 16, 2018 04:00AM
No steps would be better just for your own comfort but steps aren't really a problem as long as it's just a flight or two.

There's absolutely no reason to think you might need an ambulance. I don't know why you think that could be a possibility but it's extremely unlikely. Getting off the meds is whole point of the ablation, after all. Have confidence you're in good hands. :-)

In any case, in the extremely unlikely event that you did need an ambulance, stairs are no issue at all for the EMTs. They deal with stairs day in and day out.
Re: Getting close to ablation date
March 16, 2018 04:32AM
I know that for me the day after my Dr. Natale ablation I felt like I had been hit by a bus. I shuffled around like a 95 year old man. If I had to do stairs, I would have had to go up three stairs, slowly, rest, and go three more, etc. By two days later I could have done the stairs you mention, and by four or five days later I was pushing a full shopping cart at Costco. And those are big carts!

But I had a complex, four hour ablation. I don't know your situation. I was grateful that I was staying in a hotel in San Francisco with elevators.
Re: Getting close to ablation date
March 16, 2018 11:13AM
Thanks everyone!
Re the ambulance: I'm just worried about going into a rapid rate pre-procedure, without the drugs. It won't take long!
Re: Getting close to ablation date
March 16, 2018 12:49PM
The day after my procedure I walked back to my hotel room. I will say I was a bit nervous and felt a bit sore but I did it.
Re: Getting close to ablation date
March 16, 2018 02:16PM
Thanks everyone!
Re the ambulance: I'm just worried about going into a rapid rate pre-procedure, without the drugs. It won't take long!

Then maybe reconsider the airbnb and just get a room at the Days Inn right next to St. David's. It's an easy walk to the hospital.
Re: Getting close to ablation date
March 18, 2018 08:05PM
Thanks everyone!! It sure is comforting to have someone to talk to that understands.
Re: Getting close to ablation date
March 19, 2018 02:38AM
I would consider a hotel. We stayed at the Hyatt Place in North Austin and the next day it was quite a chore to walk the small incline up to the hotel. Also, if there is a need for anything, the hotel staff is available to help you. Not so if you're in a rental place. All the best.
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