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Four year ablation anniversary
July 07, 2017 02:50PM
I just wanted to post a quick note that I just passed my four year ablation anniversary, other than a couple of PVC's every once in a while my heart has been rock solid. I can't thank Dr. Natale enough, what an amazing caring doctor. We just passed independence day and Dr. Natale gave me my own version of independence day back on July 3, 2013. I am hoping it stays a one and done story but if that changes there is no doubt in my mind I will be visiting Austin once again.
Re: Four year ablation anniversary
July 07, 2017 02:55PM
Congratulations Ken! May the story line continue!
Re: Four year ablation anniversary
July 07, 2017 03:59PM
Great to hear Ken, these are the kind of repeat stories of long term success from those here having completed an expert ablation process in the hands of Dr. Natale that we so often read on this forum going back over 15+ years now (and this testimony would go back 3 years longer still, but the first 3 to 4 years of this forum's archives got lost when transferring to this Forum platform many years ago.)

It is very hard to argue with this kind of truly consistent real-time excellence reported about Dr Natale's skill by one Afibber after another captured anecdotally in our forum archives over the years.

We all look forward to hearing from you on many more such anniversaries! You can reset assured, too, that you are well past the point where any reconnections would occur, so only all new triggers never before detected or ablated would be the only reason for you ever needing any more work in the future.

Re: Four year ablation anniversary
July 07, 2017 05:41PM
Yes, Ken- Congratulations.

Long may your Independence last.

Best to you,
Re: Four year ablation anniversary
July 07, 2017 07:14PM
I'm very pleased for you, congrats!
Re: Four year ablation anniversary
July 08, 2017 02:46AM

Great to hear and congrats!

Re: Four year ablation anniversary
July 22, 2017 06:52PM
Congratulations...I had a successful one done in 2000 at St. Francis Hospital in Port Washington, NY .... it has been perfectly great until a recent bleeding ulcer in 2015 from an oral arthritis medication, which definitely threw my Potassium and magnesium levels out of balance,....all the best to you, great to hear about the positive result. My Doctor back then told me that "if it doesn't come back within 2 years, you should be clear of it from here on out" .... I believe I am, as long as my Potassium Magnesium levels get back to normal...
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