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Eliquis and ibuprofen
July 04, 2017 10:52PM
I'm new here and posted this in the general forum. Not sure where it belongs.

Brief history. I had my first and only bout of AFib in May and converted after 9 hours. As a precaution my doctor put me on Eliquis and Diltiazem. My 30 day loop monitor was good and nothing since. I have a nuclear stress Thursday. I have back problems with intense pain. Ibuprofen is the only thing that helps when it flares up. My doctor said I could take it for three days no more then 1200 mg/day. Does anyone here have experience with these two drugs and bleeding? I'm really nervous about using the two together but he said as long as it's a short time I should be fine. Any thoughts?

Re: Eliquis and ibuprofen
July 05, 2017 07:37AM
How long is a short time?

Re: Eliquis and ibuprofen
July 05, 2017 06:53PM
Hello Larry,

I am on Eliquis. I occasionally take ibuprofen.
What your doctor told you is pretty standard advise.
I think the real risk is with long term use.

If it was me, I wouldn't worry. I would use it short term only, like your doctor advised.

Re: Eliquis and ibuprofen
July 06, 2017 09:02AM
The other solution is too stop taking the Eliquis. Ask your Dr. if you can stop.

Also I would ask your Pharmacist for their advice. When I was taking Eliquis, the Pharmacist wouldn't refill my Rx, because I had started taking Meloxicam, another similar anti-inflammatory.
Re: Eliquis and ibuprofen
August 05, 2017 07:49PM
I don't understand why you're still on Eliquis.
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