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Shockwave therapy of different kinds
May 23, 2017 04:38AM

I can't claim deep knowledge of the subject though I have had a lot of it done to me in the last months though not from the heart point of view.

If you look up the Internet you will find quite a lot on the subject under extracorporeal shockwave therapy for the heart.

The practitioner who works on me says various doctors in Germany Austria and Israel are treating atrial fibrillation via shockwave and he is going to an international conference in Europe shortly and will enquire more from some of the practitioners..

I think the subject could come up in this forum and also in the general health Forum.

I will share some of my limited knowledge.

Shockwave is the most common treatment for kidney stones.

There are a variety of different equipment kinds who make claims about their particular technology being the one to use..

I have used it with various muscle problems with some success and my 65-year-old ex-partner says her knee problems are much better and she is not a placebo type person.

You will find lots of information depending on how much time you wish to spend and I believe that more will be heard about the subject.

Good luck inquiring

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