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Grape Juice

Posted by TomC 
Grape Juice
December 31, 2016 01:37PM
Has anyone here experienced any problems drinking grape juice? I know that red wine is a huge trigger for an episode, other than alcohol content, is there anything else in just plain juice that would bring on afib?
Re: Grape Juice
December 31, 2016 03:04PM
Hi Tom - It could be several things... the high sugar content could bring about a hypoglycemic/rebound effect which is well known to be a trigger for some afibbers.

Also, high on the list is the pesticide residues found in non-organic grape juice or wine. They spray heavily and that residue goes right into the final product unless organic.

Those who are concerned about toxic material in the water used to irrigate crops... including grapes... in the state of California are warning about that as well... There's a lot of 'press' on this topic. One report I just saw was on the issue of CA talking about increasing the allowable level of lead in the water supply or that which is trucked in from other areas.
So, that's another issue even if you buy a product labeled as organic it doesn't eliminate that aspect.

Here's a report by Natural News, Mike Adams, Health Ranger

Re: Grape Juice
January 01, 2017 04:38PM
Thanks, J.
Excellent post, as usual!
HNY to all!

Re: Grape Juice
January 01, 2017 11:19PM
Thank you Jackie, just trying to take the guess work out of what we consume.
Re: Grape Juice
January 06, 2017 08:32PM
Tom C

surely must be just some weird phenom. If its sugars etc. Do you do the same with sodas or other juices? I mean those would be high in sugar.
Switch to orange juice, pineapple juice see if you get the same. If we are that sensitive to the pesticides and waters used in crop productions not sure what we can eat?????and drink!
California is the worlds lead on all these lead warnings and although there is concern there the warnings are very hypersensitive vs other states.
In engineering even power cords on appliances such as your hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, etc have to have lead warnings and heavy metal testing conducted on all plastics and materials used in the construction.
We surely can not eliminate water treated products (produce, veggies); appliances made of plastic; textiles; PolyVC's in goods. This is one time they need a cure for the symptoms and not the cause if thats the case!!!
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