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Xarelto side-effects
December 11, 2016 08:22PM
Enquiring on behalf of an 87 yr old relative.

He is on 15mg Xarelto (Rivaroxapan) to reduce A/F and 5mg Amlodipine because he once had Angina many years ago. The recent purchase of a blood pressure monitor is showing A/F on about 70% of his readings.

Problem is he suffers quite badly from the side-effects of Xarelto:
  • nosebleeds
  • leg weakness

We also note that one of the side-effects of Amlodipine is:
  • fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
That sounds a bit like Atrial Fibrillation to me?

Research into the subject suggests that supplementing Copper (as Copper Gluconate) and B5 (Pantothenic acid), while also lowering free Iron (Ferritin) might provide a natural cure for A/F. Can anyone think of a reason not to supplement as above, has anyone cured their A/F by these or similar methods?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2016 08:27PM by NickC.
Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 12, 2016 01:58AM

Xarelto is an anticoagulant. It will not change the progression of afib. It could be the reason for nosebleeds.

Be careful with copper. In some people, a bad copper zinc ratio (excess copper) can increase dementia. I wouldn't supplement blind (without testing).

Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 12, 2016 02:24PM
Ok thanks for that George. So Xarelto just reduces the chance of stroke due to Atrial Fibrillation but does nothing to stop the A/F in the first place. So why has nothing been done to try and reduce the A/F in the first place, is this normal practice, just thin the blood to reduce the effects?

From what I have now read this Xarelto is lethal stuff, should never have been licensed in the first place. Problem is his G.P. insists that he keeps taking it regardless of the side-effects.

I am now quite sure that his nosebleeds and also his gradually weakening legs are both side-effects of the Xarelto.

I hear what you say about copper, I am aware of the importance of the copper / zinc ratio and of the relationship between iron & copper to form hemoglobin. However here in the UK there are very tight restrictions in place preventing patients obtaining their own blood tests which unfortunately leaves us in the position of having to make guesses and work blind. It is a very sad situation for those trying to research these matters but that is how it is.

If there are any Doctors out there reading this who are willing to receive the results of these tests from a pathology lab please let me know.
Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 12, 2016 03:16PM
Hi Nick - If you have the link that states Xalerto should never have been released in the first place, please provide it. I'd be interested in reading.

There are side effects to every drug and Xalerto type drugs are no different. I take Eliquis and have noticed an increase of muscle weakness and also tendonitis the longer I use it. I also believe that it's more detrimental for those in their senior years than younger patients. So, it's a Catch 22... you want to help prevent the clotting, but the side effects take their toll on seniors and I speak from experience.

It may be very difficult (if not impossible) for you to intervene with your relative's treatment, but I'd want to have at least a second opinion from a very experienced cardiologist who understands arrhythmia but I also understand the limitations in the UK. It sounds as if they know he has the arrhythmia and because of his age, they are just going to try to prevent the adverse clotting with Xalerto.

I hope you receive a response from a physician who can evaluate the labs that you have.

Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 12, 2016 04:40PM

A lot of the concern with both of new oral anticoagulants (NOACs), both Xarelto and Eliquis, stemmed from the initial lack of a reversing agent. In the presence of a hemorrhagic event such as stroke or trauma, these can lead to fatal bleeds in rare cases. Coumadin (warfarin), on the other hand, is readily reversed with Vitamin K. Recently, however, there have been reversal agents developed for the NOACs and they should be making their way into emergency medicine departments. It would be beneficial to check if they are available in your area. At a minimum, I'd suggest to make sure that your relative carries a medical bracelet or wallet card indicating that he is anticoagulated and by what means.
Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 12, 2016 06:32PM
Hi Jackie,

Well here is a couple of links suggestiong that Xarelto might cause problems:

I notice in the second link that 'Swelling of the abdomen' is a listed side-effect. He has an Abdominal aortic aneurysm, might that be caused by Xarelto?

It is not so much a case of needing a physician who can evaluate the labs so much as finding one who is willing to allow blood tests and pass on the results. Depending upon results of various tests it might be possible to cure his arrhythmia by lowering Iron while increasing Copper and Pantothenic acid. If that were to stop the arrhythmia he could then feel safer stopping the Xarelto.

Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 12, 2016 07:21PM
Hello Nick...Thank you for those links.

Please be aware that I am not a physician, but I am well aware of the the risks of an abdominal aortic aneurysm as my father developed one at age 65 that required immediate surgery.

I doubt that the Xalerto caused the aneurysm but the concern is when taking any type of blood thinner and the aneurysm ruptures, the mortality risk from hemorrhage is very high. Even without the blood thinner, a ruptured aneurysm is likely to be fatal.

Certainly, the best choice would be to eliminate the Afib and get off the Eliquis and I certainly hope that someone reading here can offer contacts for you there in the UK that might facilitate that quickly.

Best to you both,
Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 12, 2016 07:24PM
Years ago when I was put on Coumadin I experienced bloodshot eyes and blood pooling in my thumb after just opening a door. I was told to quit the drug and after quitting, about 2 weeks later I had a nosebleed (I never have them) and I coughed up blood which was clotted, I went to the ER sat there for about 2 hours and during that time I had no issue with bleeding so I went home. I didn't have any problems after that. I always wondered why that happened and i was thankful that I was OK, I am very afraid of those kind of drugs for me.

Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 13, 2016 05:24PM
Nick, I recently had my Vitamin D levels tested privately. The company sent a card on which I put three drops of blood - very simple.

Google private blood tests for minerals UK and you may find someone who can test for copper/zinc.

Re: Xarelto side-effects
December 13, 2016 08:23PM
Sam, I have tried a few different labs in the UK but all say the same thing, they will only send results to a Practicing Doctor. Vet or Dentist. That seems to be the case for all labs in the UK for some reason.
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