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Tolterodine Help
December 02, 2016 10:55AM
I have been having bladder issues for many years. Being investigated by the Doctor at the moment, PSA etc. However, he wants me to start on Tolterodine which is an antimuscarinic. This is a parasympathetic inhibitor so the effects on the heart should be to increase rate.
I was vagal in the past but, I am just over 2 yrs since my last afib/flutter episode. I take 300mg of Flecainide daily and 120mg Adizem (diltiazem XL) daily.
The thing is as much as a hassle my urinary symptoms are, I can cope with them. and to be honest I'm not sure if I am still Vagal since I am on the meds.
I haven't started the meds yet, any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: Tolterodine Help
December 02, 2016 01:38PM
Hi Mark,

There was a vagal afibber here years ago who used an anticholinergic (which an antimuscarinic med would be) propantheline bromide, for his afib. He left here and set up his own site <[www.afibbers.org] . As noted in my link, I subsequently found out I carry the ApoE4 gene which confers a much higher risk for Alz Disease. Anticholinergic's are contraindicated for the elderly and for ApoE4's because they can diminish cognition.

Now age 61, I started to experience some urinary issues about 8 years or so ago - like having to wake up to void. Seven years ago, I keto-adapted my diet. This solved all the urinary issues. I've wondered if many of the prostate having to wake up to void are related to glucose metabolism. Being me, I've pushed this pretty hard. For many years I only ate 2x/day - a very modest breakfast & a dinner about 12 hours apart. For nearly 18 months I've fasted 22 hours per day and am currently on day 3 of a 5-7 day fast. When I do eat, my diet is mostly high fiber, non starchy veggies (no grains, legumes, nightshades or seeded veggies), very modest animal protein (limited to 20g/day from animal sources) and 75-80% fat calories from unfiltered extra virgin olive oil, avocados & tree nuts (macadamia, pecan, hazelnut, walnut, pistachio).

I will note that switching to this will cause electrolyte shifts. Low insulin will signal the kidney to excrete sodium. While keto adapting or during a fast, I supplement with extra sodium chloride. These shifts can precipitate arrhythmia, if not manged well. I only had an issue with this seven years ago when I first adapted (and knew a lot less about the electrolyte issues).


Re: Tolterodine Help
December 05, 2016 02:20PM
Thanks for that George, very interesting.
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