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Colonoscopy induced Afib
November 09, 2016 07:17PM
I am a very healthy 70 year old woman who decided to have a physical a few months ago. All the results were normal. The doctor recommended that I see a cardiologist due to my age and the history of heart disease in my immediate family, which I did. Blood pressure, EKG all normal. Next step, an echocardiogram, also normal. The last step was going to be a stress test in her office which I thoughtlessly scheduled two days after a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy results were great - no need to return for 10 years. What I didn't realize, was how depleted my body was from the prep and from eating no solid food for days. But I felt pretty good, even took my 2 1/2 mile walk the morning of the stress test. I had some coffee early that morning and some cold cereal. By the time of the stress test, I hadn't eaten or drunk anything for 6 hours. My heart started beating very rapidly (went up to 220 at one point) and then became erratic. They couldn't get me normalized even though I continued to feel fine, so an ambulance was called and I was brought to the hospital ER. This was so traumatic for someone who hardly even gets colds. Anyway, I was given Cartia in an IV and then later orally and had to be admitted.

I did manage to get released the next day and was put on Cartia and Xarelto. The Cartia gave me bad side effects, so once I saw the cardiologist, the medication was changed to 25mg of Metoprolol. I told the cardiologist that I had stupidly scheduled the colonoscopy days before the stress test and, therefore, my electrolytes were probably all out of whack. She responded that I have Afib and have probably had it for a while - that I am so lucky that it was discovered the way it was rather than presenting with a stroke!

It's been just about one month since my ER experience and I've managed to read quite a bit about arrhythmias during that time. I also have an appt. with an EP in two weeks. My problem is that I don't really believe that I have Afib. I have had a few Afib incidents since being on this powerful medication and I can say definitively that I NEVER had such incidents prior to that and believe they are drug induced.

So, I'm wondering if I'm in total denial or if I should simply be grateful for a timely diagnosis. If anyone has experienced their first Afib episode under similar circumstances, I'd be really interested in your story. Thanks so much and how fortunate for me to have discovered this fantastic site!
Re: Colonoscopy induced Afib
November 10, 2016 12:24AM
Hello Barb. Just a quick comment. I can relate to your experience since I had been having routine colonoscopies since the age of 50 without incident, until I also became an afibber at age 59. I don't recall at what age the bowel prep process caused me to go into Afib, but that did happen and I had to cancel my appointment and deal with the AF.
After that, the doctor prescribed the preparation that was "electrolyte" sparing and I had no further problems.

The product was GoLytely. They may use something newer and better by now. I always cringed at putting the polyethylene glycol (PEG) in my body back then so hopefully, there is some improvement.

I certainly hope once your electrolytes normalize, you will no longer be bothered with Afib. If it lingers, then consider adding the essential electrolytes we talk about here for a while until your body readjusts... magnesium and potassium especially. And don't take calcium supplements as that helps block magnesium's calming function.

Re: Colonoscopy induced Afib
November 10, 2016 01:29PM
Thanks, Jackie, for you response and good advice. I'm taking magnesium supplements after reading the posts on this website and others. But it's very disheartening that my cardiologist never even mentioned it's importance. I'm learning the importance of being one's own advocate with health issues. Thanks again, Barb.
Re: Colonoscopy induced Afib
February 05, 2017 05:13PM
Put me in the this category, as well. Pre-colonoscopy physical, I presented with "regular rate and rhythm". During and after the colonoscopy on January 4th, 2017, I presented with the first time ever of A-Fib..I am on Eliquis and Carvedilol in advance of a cardioversion on the 27th of February. Am still freaked out about it but am getting more knowledge and wise words here.The Carvedilol is for high blood pressure that I caused due to an idiotic discontinuance of CPAP, as an aside.
Re: Colonoscopy induced Afib
February 05, 2017 05:18PM
Uncle Albert - Welcome. It's not uncommon to have the prep for colonoscopy cause Afib. Often the prep chemicals include a lot of sodium which knocks out the all-important potassium levels and that can cause Afib. If you have to do another, ask for the cleanout prep called Go-Lightly. It's potassium sparing. It's not a easy as it requires drinking a lot of fluid during the process, but it's much easier on Afibbers.

Re: Colonoscopy induced Afib
February 05, 2017 06:26PM
Thanking you, Jackie...next one is five years off since I had a good result colonoscopy this time around but next time, I will remember to ask for Go-Lightly
Re: Colonoscopy induced Afib
May 28, 2017 08:41PM
My husband's very first A-fib episode was 24 hours after a Colonoscopy; mine was when my primary decided to change my BP med which had Triamterene/HCTZ to straight HCTZ. I believe I depleted my potassium levesl, as Triamterene is potassium sparing.
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