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Dear Forum,
Back from Austin in NSR again! The man, the myth the legend and maestro rocked my heart again! I feel so privilidged to be Dr, Natale 's patient again after 10 years of NSR. My supportive husband, Ken, my guardian angel advocate Shannon, St. David's Medical Center Staff, The Holiday Inn on Fiskville and the people of Austin who I met on my journey to Austin were more than I could have ever prayed for. God is good!
My second ablation was a left appendage ablation. I look forward to going back to Austin for a TEE to see how the appendage is functioning in six months! I thank my husband and Shannon for pushing me to act quickly to get back to Natale ASAP. In less than two months from discovering I was back in afib from a ten year stint of being afib free I am back in NSR!
My only regret is that I had not seen my internist in 18 months. I felt great, lost 20 pounds was exercising three times a week, traveled worldly, taught first grade along with tutoring three times a week, visited my lake house in northern Michigan on the weekends and lived life to the fullest. I thought I was invincible and did not keep myself current on afib for ten years.
I have full empathy for people on this forum. I don't know your journey but I do know the ups and downs of trying meds, frequent cardio versions and the anxiety you might feel. I lived that life for over five years before I learned of Dr. Natale. My advice to you is to take action, find an experienced electrophysiologist, bite the bullet and have the ablation. It will change your life!
I do have to say I have a new attitude as a NSR, 57 year old woman! I'm going to suck the joy and happiness out of the rest of my life and make each day count! I'm definitely not sweating the small stuff anymore! Life is good and I'm going to rock my next 57 years and embrace life!
The ablation procedure was not bad at all. It is just mind blowing that I'm laying on my couch wiriting this post and my heart rate is 76, I look forward to my throat feeling better after a failed attempt of A TEE on Monday because of my anatomy. I had two other TEEs in two months. I have nothing to complain about! I'm teaching first grade and I never stop talking so I'm glad I took next week off to rejuvenate so I'm ready for my students! Halloween is right around the corner and boy will they be excited when I return!
My hope for all of you is to find true happiness and N S R!!❤️❤️❤️
Best Regards! Pamela
P.S. Any suggestions to help with my sore throat are much appreciated.😄😄
Really glad for you been in NSR for 10 months after my first ablation so 10 years would be great though hoping its for always. God bless.
Hello Pamela - So glad all went well and you are again enjoying blessed NSR. My sentiments exactly about the positive praise for Dr. Natale; he’s been my hero since 2003.

My ablation success history is similar to yours. Eleven years after the first Natale ablation, I went to Austin for #2 which did require the LAA isolation as well…followed by #3 seven months later. Joyously, all has been calm for about 18 months now. While I didn’t have post-procedure pain issues, recovery time was a chore after the last one so you’re smart to have it addressed while you are still young.

I wish you a wonderful, active life from here on out with a calm heart….and with your very gracious, positive attitude, I’m sure that will happen.

Best to you.
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