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1st degree AV block
October 12, 2016 01:59PM
Just got the result from my August ZIO patch. I spoke to a NP at CPMC and she said it "looks clean!". I hadn't looked at it because it wasn't posted. After the call I looked it up and noted "first degree AV Block was present". I haven't seen this before on any of my zio's. I've actually been feeling pretty good lately and exercising more. Should I be concerned about this finding? My resting HR is still elevated, 80's & 90's.
Mike E
Re: 1st degree AV block
October 12, 2016 02:13PM
Re: 1st degree AV block
October 12, 2016 07:53PM

I have a first degree heart block it was caused by my doctor prescribing Atenolol (beta blocker) when i first got AF. I did have to get a pacemaker because when i got an episode of AF when going back into NSR I would almost black out, this was caught in the Doctor's office, it showed that my heart rate fell to almost a flat line for a few seconds. That is when i got a Pacemaker implanted. I use my pacer about 1/3 of the time as my heart rate is good, usually around 64. i guess if you don't have any problems then the first degree heart block is just minor.
Re: 1st degree AV block
October 13, 2016 04:28AM
Flecanide also causes 1rst deg heart block.

Re: 1st degree AV block
October 16, 2016 03:43AM
Yes flecainide can cause heart block!, keep that in mind
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