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Waller water
October 08, 2016 12:10AM
Is there any reason why I couldn't use Pellegrino to make Waller water?
Re: Waller water
October 08, 2016 02:52AM
Not sure what the carbonation difference is. If not as carbonated, won't react all the MoM. That isn't a big problem, but may happen. My sense (which may be wrong) is that it is less carbonated than the soda water I've used.
Re: Waller water
October 08, 2016 01:52PM
Lynn - Why would you want to even try? Just drink the Pellegrino separately if you enjoy drinking it... but it does have an acidic pH. The benefit and focus of the WW is to provide a consistent method of alkalizing.... plus the "unique" form of magnesium.

For the WW, you need to follow the instructions with seltzer as the carbonation to make the magnesium bicarbonate water (end product) with nothing else added.

You can check the content list for Pellegrino water on page 4 at this link [www.nestle-watersna.com]

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