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uncomfortable chest movements
September 30, 2016 05:53PM
i had afib and had an ablation in 2008 and since then have been taking Toprol er 25mg once a day and 50mg of flecainide twice a day. I have had about 5 breakthroughs since the ablation and some have been because of illness. However near the sternum area i get like a discomforting spasm or whatever. I started to get it playing golf but i had a endoscopy of about month ago i have acute gastritis and also had a CAT scan of chest down to the hip area. That found a small hiatal hernia and really not much more however i do have to repeat it in about 4 months. I am 70 take walks play golf about 3-4 times a week so i am active but this spasm as i call it gives me anxiety. My blood pressure is perfect and i have alivecor a EKG machine which I take and its always normal. I do have Hashimotos thyroiditis but i don't understand why i get this feeling. Is it the anxiety is it the afib i just don't know. I also do breathing exercises with a device called Expand a Lung. Would love some comments and if any one else has experienced this please comment thanks Steve
Re: uncomfortable chest movements
September 30, 2016 06:15PM
What do your PCP and/or cardiologist say? Were I in your shoes I'd be ringing up one or both of them for an appointment. Sorry, but anecdotes from any forum wouldn't satisfy me. YMMV.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2016 10:05PM by JayBros.
Re: uncomfortable chest movements
September 30, 2016 06:38PM
I have had about every test the last year i had a stress test, endoscopy from Gastro guy, CTScan of chest to pelvic area and blood tests and everything seems ok.
I can play golf i can go for walks but i still experience these not sure if anxiety plays a big part of it
Re: uncomfortable chest movements
September 30, 2016 10:13PM
Would not one of your care providers be willing to have you try a mild anti-anxiety medication to see if the chest spasms go away. OTOH, if you believe anxiety causes the spasms, what can you alone do to reduce the anxiety. That would seem to be a viable approach, particularly if you want to avoid medication. Yoga? Meditation? Am way out of my field now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2016 11:40AM by JayBros.
Re: uncomfortable chest movements
October 01, 2016 02:00AM

A couple of thoughts.

1. Would you say the Expand a Lung causes you to over or underbreathe. I expect overbreathe. This may lower your serum CO2 level. You actually need CO2 to utilize O2. CO2 will relax muscles, while a lack can cause spasms. I'm currently in the land of nearly no bandwidth, so can't go look up the device. If you want, I can send more info on the CO2 connection. Will be back in high bandwidth tomorrow night.

2. Possibly related to myofascial trigger points, which are localized muscle spasms. Can send info if interested.

3. Do you consume magnesium supplements? Lack of mag can cause spasms.

4. Our doc successfully treats a lot of autoimmune issues with diet, including hashis. I can send more info as well as put you in contact with a hashi patient of his for her perspective, if interested.


Re: uncomfortable chest movements
October 05, 2016 01:08PM
Hi Steve,

I had to read your letter twice as I thought it must have been one I'd posted. I have AF for around12 years, get episodes 3-4 times a month, sometimes more. I experience quite severe chest pain, chaotic and very fast heart rate, I can pass out. I manage my attacks reasonably well.

Although I have not had an ablation I have for the last 4-5 months suffered exactly what you are describing. it comes out of the blue, I can be watching TV, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn or just out walking.
I have tried to describe it to my Cardio but he says it's nothing "just related to your AF" He,s wrong. It,s totally different to my AF. I don't get overly anxious with AF just annoyed.

I describe it as a spasm or grasping tight strange feeling in the centre of my chest that causes me to feel a bit weak, slightly light headed and very anxious.

I too have had all the tests and I have a small hiatal hernia and severe reflux (made 10 times worse by my blood thinner) I have no idea where to go from here.
I continue to look for new ways to control my AF and am grateful for all of the advice and info on this site. This one has got me beat.
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