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Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done Dr. Tom Svinarich
September 26, 2016 04:27PM
Hi again (last time I posted here, for my husband, was back in 2011),

Has anyone in the Denver area, had a cryo balloon ablation for their intermittent--"paroxysmal"-- a-fib, done by E.P. (electro physiologist) Dr. Tom Svinarich, M.D.?

If yes, how did you like Dr. Svinarich, (bedside manner, how long he takes in office visits, etc.) and what was your experience like being operated on, and treated by him?

What do you think of the cryo (freezing) method of ablation, compared with the RF (Radio Frequency)heating method of ablation?

My husband's a-fib has increased in frequency lately, leading him to get interested in getting ablated.

He tried a beta blocker back in 2011, but it slowed down his athletically slow pulse way too much, so he hasn't taken any meds for his a-fib.

He has low grade prostate cancer (very enlarged prostate), sciatica, and is gluten sensitive, plus aches & pains from hard skiing over the years. He is 63 and holding.

I've always relied on the wonderful and generous people on this website, for their opnions, including years ago (2011).

We look forward to hearing a-fib (paroxysmal) patients' opinions about their own experiences with Dr. Svinovich, and any other E.P.'s in the Denver area that they were very happy with results of ablations from.

Carol (up in the mountains west of Denver)
cell: 970-531-5000
Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done by Dr. Tom Svarinovich?
September 26, 2016 04:33PM
Oops. I'll get the doc's name right, yet! It's Dr. Tom Svinarich, I think. (sorry for mis-spellings above)!

cell: 970-531-5000
Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done by Dr. Tom Svarinovich?
September 27, 2016 01:18AM

I saw Dr. S 12 years ago and he accepted my proposal for PIP flec and electrolytes. As this was my suggestion, I've not gone back, but not because I didn't like him. A friend did have a successful afib ablation several years ago. I think it was a regular RF one, not cryo.

Another friend with afib could not get his docs to prescribe PIP meds. I suggested he try Dr. S. He did and was prescribed propafenone on demand (he is adrenergic). This has been successful.

I liked him, but I'd go to Austin with Natale before I went to anyone in Denver, but that is just me.

Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done by Dr. Tom Svarinovich?
September 27, 2016 05:42PM
Hi George,

Thanks for your interesting and helpful reply!

Please share names & phone numbers of any a-fib patients in the Denver area, who you know or know of, who are happy with Dr. Tom Svinarich's ablation for their a-fib, or who are pleased with any other EP's ablations, etc., for their a-fib, in the Denver area.

My cell is 970-531-5000, and my email is fsds@rkymtnhi.com .

Thanks in advance!

Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done by Dr. Tom Svarinovich?
September 28, 2016 01:55AM

I'm traveling this week, but will try to contact my friend and get his permission to share his contact info with you. He may be the only successful afib ablatee I know who used a Denver EP. My wife's friend's husband saw an EP at UC Med. He gave what Shannon and I thought was advice that was at least 5 years dated. We sent him to Austin for a successful ablation with Dr. N. All the others I know are still in afib after their ablations. However, not a huge sample set.

Shannon knows of a doc who is in Co Springs who (I think) trained under Natale. He does not do the complex ablations that Natale does however. So it really depends on what your husband needs. A chat in detail with Shannon might help sort that out.

Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done by Dr. Tom Svarinovich?
September 28, 2016 02:57PM
Hi George,

Thank you for your helpful reply! Yes, please try to contact your friend, who was "ablated" by E.P. Tom Svinarich, M.D., in the Denver area. Ask him to contact me, or, let me know his cell phone & email.

Thanks again!

Carol Sidofsky (husband--63 years old-- has had a-fib for past 10 years, but hopefully still somewhat "paroxysmal"/not "persistent".)

cell: 970-531-5000
email: [email protected]
Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done by Dr. Tom Svarinovich?
September 29, 2016 12:27PM
George N.'s friend emailed me, so I want to thank George N. for contacting his friend! I emailed the "other" George, to see if he can speak with my husband, by phone, about his experience being ablated about 10 years ago, by Dr. Tom Svinarich, (ElectroPhysiologist) in the Denver area.

Shannon, I wanted to correct my massacred spelling of Dr. Tom Svinarich's last name, in the subject of this comment. Can you do that for me?
It's "Svinarich", not Svarinovich, and not Svinovich (gulp!)

cell: 970-531-5000
Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done Dr. Tom Svinarich
September 29, 2016 04:21PM
Shannon, thank you for so quickly correcting my mis-spelling of Dr. Tom Svinarich's name for me!

I just got a telephone call (thanks to George N.) from the "other" George, and it was pleasant and helpful! My husband will speak with that "George" too, when they both aren't working.

I think George N. may be right, that the "other" George's abalation by Dr. Svinarich, was RF (the heat method), not the cryo (cold method), because: "George" said that while he was under anesthesia, while being ablated about 10 years ago, he could feel heat (but no pain), so I'm guessing it was fairly "light level" anesthesia.

We still marvel at the ability to communicate via the internet, so much more easily nowadays than formerly!

cell: 970-531-5000
Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done Dr. Tom Svinarich
September 30, 2016 06:26AM
My Doctor does the Cryo, and is up on the technology of it. He says that it is better for Paroxysmal AF, as it is less Traumatic for the Heart, and more thoroughly achieves electrical isolation of the Pulmonary Veins.
Re: Has anyone in Denver area had cryo balloon ablation done Dr. Tom Svinarich
September 30, 2016 01:40PM
Hi Anti-Fib,

Who is your EP(Electro-Physiologist) doc? What area is your EP in?


cell: 970-531-5000

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2016 01:44PM by Carol.
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