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Success with Dr. Michaud and Dr. Sesselberg in Maine
August 26, 2016 04:56AM
Just had my third ablation procedure done and so far, so good!! Dr. Michaud ( from Brigham & Women's Hospital ) and Dr. H. Sesselberg (from Maine Medical Center) performed the procedure. My case has not been simple or easy and I was very worried that it would not be successful. However, I can report that I am doing VERY WELL so far. It has been approximately 3 weeks since the procedure. Amazingly enough, I am not taking any anti-arrhythmic medications and am still in NSR. Yes, I get tired easily and was a little sore for the first two weeks, but that has always been par for the course with an ablation for me.

I could go on about the procedure and my experiences but the main reason for my post is to tell others that there are very well qualified, experienced doctors who can handle complicated Afib cases here in Maine and Boston. There is really no need to go all the way to Texas or France for excellent care.

I am taking a Magnesium Citrate supplement daily and believe that is helpful.

I wish you all good days and normal rhythms.
Re: Success with Dr. Michaud and Dr. Sesselberg in Maine
August 26, 2016 12:17PM
Awesome news LindaE! I am 2 moths out from my Austin ablation. In NSR but have quite a few PACs. Hate that!!
Re: Success with Dr. Michaud and Dr. Sesselberg in Maine
August 27, 2016 01:38AM
I knew Maine had great lobster but didn't know about the EP. So glad you are doing well. Let's hope ablation #3 for you is the charm.
Re: Success with Dr. Michaud and Dr. Sesselberg in Maine
September 01, 2016 04:02PM
Linda E, thank you for your post. i too am in maine, very glad to have your recommendation, may need those doctors one of these days. All the best to you, please keep us posted on what i hope will be peaceful progress.

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