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Feeling lucky in New York!
August 15, 2016 06:27PM
It's been a while since I last checked in. I am feeling very grateful and thought I should share it with the people who have made it possible. Today is my first day back to work after spending a week at the Jersey shore with my immediate family. There were 18 of us in a 8 bedroom house. My, wife and children, their spouses and 10 grandchildren had a very active week. I was right in the middle of all the activity; body surfing with the kids for hours, played football with the teenagers. Even practicing, with them, making spectacular catches as we crashed into giant waves. After the lifeguards left for the day I dug holes in the sand, with the little kids until we had to go back to the house to have dinner.

About halfway through the week I thought about my cardiac history and how lucky I am. In between my two ablations by Dr Natale I had part of my aorta replaced by a great surgeon in NYC. The aorta surgery turned out very well and I am forever in debt to this very skilled surgeon.

I had afib for about 7 years before my first ablation with Dr Natale. During that time, thanks to the expert information I got on this web site, I had reduced the number of afib attacks from 18 a year to 3 in the 12 months prior to my ablation. I used supplements and lifestyle modifications to keep afib at bay. When I had an afib attack I used the PIP protocol which almost always converted AF to NSR in a little over an hour. I have to repeat all of the above I learned on this web site. Nothing from the cardiologist nor the local EP. They are both good doctors and good guys but from them it was Sotalol full time and increase the dosage if I had a break through.
Even with my apparent handle on the number of afib attacks I was constantly working at it to avoid afib. I slept with half a dozen pillows every night. I couldn't do any work or recreation outdoors on a warm day. If I did I almost always got an attack that night. No, stressful situations, no alcohol, no strenuous activities. Travel was always a concern. I didn't want to go to a hospital in a foreign country. I did have an afib attack in Paris but the PIP came to my rescue. However while I was traveling I was always concerned about the possibility of it not working. My world was shrinking. I had gotten used to it but it wasn't fun.
It finally hit me that I had fairly easy access to a world renown EP in Dr Natale. Two ablations later everything has changed. All of the things that concerned me are about travel are gone. Everything above with a no in front of it is now a yes.

If I had not found this wonderful web site I wouldn't have known about supplements, the PIP, and have gotten to know as much as I did about Dr Natale. He is exactly how he is represented here.He is great EP and a compassionate and humble person. He is the person most responsible for my return to a full life. Many thanks for the expert advise and guidance from, Hans, Shannon, Jackie, George, Peggy and Sharon and all the others who have shared their experiences here over the years. Cheers, Dennis.
Re: Feeling lucky in New York!
August 15, 2016 07:05PM

Great report!!!!

Wonderful to hear!

Re: Feeling lucky in New York!
August 15, 2016 07:34PM
Thats a wonderful report and testimony Dennis!

Many thanks for sharing your experience. It has been a real pleasure for me as well getting to know you as a real friend too over these past few years. And your story rekindles memory of our many conversations during those early challenges you faced with such good cheer and a positive spirit, even when they were daunting and no doubt weighed on you considerably, such as when your aortic aneurism had demanded action resulting in your major open heart surgery.

You and Debra were real troopers through it all. It was even rather exciting too that Friday before your Monday aortic transplant, when you had filled me in on the upcoming procedure just a few days ahead of time. After emailing Dr Natale about what was soon pending for you once you and I were off the phone, he urgently replied asking that I call you right back and tell you to make absolutely sure your cardiac surgeon was alerted to install an Atriclip LAA ligation device while he was inside your chest doing his major plumbing job on your heart.

That was fortuitous timing indeed, and yet another example of the advantage of having a physician like Dr. Natale with his vast experience and insight on your team that he could offer up that very handy piece of advice on the fly, and that your surgeon readily agreed with, in order to help protect you long term from any significant LAA-based stroke risk.

And it's great to read about your relaxing week with the whole family on the seashore that you can fully enjoy now.

Thanks, too, Dennis for your kind support as well over the years!

Be well,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2016 07:35PM by Shannon.
Re: Feeling lucky in New York!
August 15, 2016 08:44PM
Awesome Story!!!!!
Re: Feeling lucky in New York!
August 16, 2016 12:27AM
a nice story . Thanks for posting Tibbar
Re: Feeling lucky in New York!
August 16, 2016 04:32PM
Hello Dennis -
I'm so happy for your very positive results as well as your 'new freedom' that you are finally enjoying.
Thanks for taking the time to share your good news with us... I'm sure we are all smiling as we read.

Enjoy life in NSR. You deserve it!
Best to you,
Re: Feeling lucky in New York!
August 17, 2016 08:21PM
Hey Dennis,
Greetings from Santorini Greece.
Heading back to Lesvos Island tomorrow afternoon.

All good to hear you're enjoying life again!

Thanks for your emotional support when I went for round two in Austin!
Yep who is that guy in Texas.......smiling smiley

Your friend from New York!


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2016 08:26PM by McHale.
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