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Wenxin keli
August 03, 2016 09:11PM
i haven't had a recurrence of of afib but i have been getting extra beats randomly after eating.i seen this Chinese medicine Wenxin keli. and was wondering if it has worked for anyone? I have not been doing caffeine ,chocolate ,msg ,etc
Re: Wenxin keli
August 04, 2016 05:13PM
Re: Wenxin keli
August 04, 2016 05:59PM
Thanks again jackie, I was hoping someone on the forum actually tried it to stop pvc. Apparently all the studies were in china [www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov] and you can buy it online from china. I am leery about taking something other than vitamins and mineral supplements but 83% effective response is hard to ignore.
Re: Wenxin keli
August 15, 2016 10:06AM
I've previously used a traditional Chinese herbalist and over a 12-18 month period it gave good results, although it was expensive! The brew tasted like engine oil, as our western palate is not used to bitter herbs. (I refer to the actual dry herbs, not the small round 'pills' you can get from acupuncturists as the pills made me worse.)

I've not tried Wenxin keli but have encountered it during web searches over the past year. Reading rollierouge's post has inspired me to order my first batch of Wenxin. I won't use the full dosage until I'm sure of there's no allergic response.
Re: Wenxin keli
August 28, 2016 12:59PM
Just commenced taking Wenxin Keli.

It has a pleasant taste like a mild herbal tea. Have had no adverse reactions to it, which is good as I tend to be ultra-sensitive.
Re: Wenxin keli
September 11, 2016 05:49PM
I've found it best not to take Wenxin keli immediately before retiring as it delays the onset of sleep by 30 minutes.
Re: Wenxin keli
September 14, 2016 05:11PM
thanks i guess ill order after talking to the cardo doc. ill let you know if it stops the random pacs

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2016 05:51PM by rollierouge.
Re: Wenxin keli
September 14, 2016 05:21PM
i just ordered it do you remember how long it took to arrive
Re: Wenxin keli
September 15, 2016 11:46AM
Hi rollierouge,

Did not seem too long.. 2 weeks thereabouts? (to Australia).

I placed an order for a second batch on 5 Sep and it has yet to arrive.

All the packages had Chinese script, so I used the usual method suggested by Chinese herbalists...

Place contents into a cup of water too hot to drink but preferably not boiling. Sip when possible (as you would with tea) before it cools down. Consume away from meals.

Had good results so far. thumbs up
Re: Wenxin keli
September 25, 2016 04:46PM
thanks shipment just came yesterday so it took just 10 days to arrive in new york. yes the instructions are in chinese. do i stir the contents of the packets till they dissolve? do i swallow what doesn't dissolve ? and how many times a day do i make this tea? thanks again for your help

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2016 04:56PM by rollierouge.
Re: Wenxin keli
September 26, 2016 12:25PM
Hi rollierouge,

I pour boiling water into a cup with teaspoon inside and let it sit for 2 minutes.

After everything has cooled a tad, I pour in the Wenxin Keli. (Rather than use a brewers thermometer I dip a finger tip -- if I can stand to leave it there for more than a few seconds its too cool and needs a boiling water top-up.) Stir for 5 seconds.

I slowly sip it down over 5 minutes (giving a quick stir each time). At the end, it is more or less all dissolved; anything left goes down the hatch too.

I find it works best when consumed while hot.

If needed (which is rare for me now), three times daily.
I find twice daily is my maintenance dose.

If something triggers heart 'blips' I take the Wenxin as soon as possible and find it most effective.
Re: Wenxin keli
September 28, 2016 03:31PM
Thanks been on it since Monday my heart did race for 20 seconds as i was going to sleep last night but i haven't had a skip yet.I have been having headaches the last two days. I'll keep this tread updated. before starting i had skipped beats 3 or 4 times a week usually toward the week end after eating lunch or dinner. I see on the website they want you to take this 3x a day looks like I am , like you, lucky to get two dosages in.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2016 03:40PM by rollierouge.
Re: Wenxin keli
October 03, 2016 04:11PM
so far it has not stopped my random random beats i had pb's Thursday Friday and Saturday after eating and the headache behind my right eye has yet to go away. i will probably discontinue use if i don't notice any improvement after next weekend
Re: Wenxin keli
October 05, 2016 02:34PM
I can't offer specifics because the included notes with the Wenxin Keli were entirely in Chinese script as you know! But from my own past experience with Chinese herbs it takes at least 2 months before you notice any change and 4 months to feel better. Very broadly, the Chinese herbal approach attempts to influence the whole body-system first and foremost.

We consider whatever it is that is bugging us as the actual disease, whereas they consider it a symptom of an imbalance in the encompassing body-system, and because of this they aim to affect the latter, and then the symptom can resolve itself. This is why a quick turnaround won't be achieved. (This is my limited understanding of course.)

But you have to use your own intuition whether to continue or not as nothing can replace personal feedback.

thumbs up

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/05/2016 02:37PM by phill.
Re: Wenxin keli
October 26, 2016 03:36PM
Follow up...

After speaking for a few moments with my Chinese acupuncturist/doctor, here is my 10 cents worth...

The water should be boiling, as with all herbs.

Each of the ingredients in Wenxin Keli (WK) are best prescribed according to the particular function each specific ingredient is supposed to achieve, and whether the particular patient needs it.

Whether the patient (with AFib, skipped beats) will benefit from the mix of ingredients in WK is properly determined by the traditional Chinese doctor.

I found WK too stimulating, which I was told, was to be expected, as in my case the yin/yang was altered by one ingredient in the opposite manner I needed it.

But if I felt WK was beneficial (other than being too stimulating in my case) I could try gradually introducing it rather than use the recommended dose of 3 packets off-the-bat.

The idea that a fixed mix of ingredients is used for AFib is a bit hit-and-miss. They first diagnose the state of health of each of the body's functions (not just the heart), use specific ingredients to match the diagnosis, and prescribe that.

I'll probably give WK another try in the weeks ahead, slowly...
Re: Wenxin keli
January 02, 2017 01:13PM
Latest update.

I now take Wenxin Keli twice (occasionally three times) daily with no problems.
Re: Wenxin keli
January 13, 2017 03:57AM
Jackie and others,

I respect your choices Jackie. Do you take it?

In any case is there any particular make or brand that is suggested?

Any cautions?


Re: Wenxin keli
January 17, 2017 02:01PM
Hi Alexe - Sorry for the late response. I didn't see your question.

Answer: No, I have never taken Wenxin keli. I just posted the weblink as information.

Be well,
Re: Wenxin keli
March 15, 2017 09:45AM
Has anyone taken Metoprolol whilst taking Wenxin keli? Any side effects?
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