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Mg and/or Potass, Do You Need More?
August 01, 2016 10:42PM
Here is an interesting website. Cronometer, tracking your nutrients

Through Dr. Mercola's website, I discovered the cronometer website and decided to give it a try. I basically wanted to know if I was getting enough nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. What did I discovered? I haven't had enough potassium from foods and supplements for my heart today. I was almost there, getting 82% of my potassium requirements (4700 mg). You can set the minimum and maximum amounts for each mineral or vitamin. However, the potassium requirement was already set at 4700 mg for the keto diet.

You log in the foods and supplements you consume in a day. Then, the website calculates the amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. you get from these sources. You can also set the website to a particular diet such as the paleo, keto, etc.

This website has made it easier for me to keep track of my magnesium and potassium requirements as well as other nutrients. It does take some time to log all your food in. For me, it is worth it.

I thought I would just share it if anyone is interested. Right now it is free.

Re: Mg and/or Potass, Do You Need More?
August 03, 2016 04:24PM
Below is the link about this website according to Dr. Mercola:

cronometer description

Re: Mg and/or Potass, Do You Need More?
August 04, 2016 06:32PM
This program is bad a$$ Love it thanks
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