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Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 27, 2016 06:58PM
Can someone provide me with the proper medical term for when your heart pauses for a few seconds? How is this normally treated? What is the crtieria for the doc recommending a pacemaker? Thank you.

Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 27, 2016 07:55PM
The doc in the ER I was in a couple years ago called it "heart block".
Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 27, 2016 08:57PM
Chuck - are you optimizing your critical electrolytes... magnesium and potassium? I just read your post about drinking plenty of water... Good habit... but you can flush out some of those minerals you need for heart stabilization. Also, if you perspire significantly... hot weather is everywhere... same thing. You need to replete. Low electrolytes can give you pauses as can other factors as well, but the one we can control is making sure we have plenty of magnesium as a base and then potassium ... always.

Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 27, 2016 10:17PM

Thank you for passing along the words "heart block." I've learned a lot.


Thank you for your input. I'm not sure if I'm optimizing my electrolytes. I take a magnesium supplement. Please educate me in this area.

Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 28, 2016 07:20PM

I would not supplement with magnesium if you have heart block, at least without discussing with a cardiologist.

Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 29, 2016 05:31AM

When your heart "pauses", do you feel like you might black out? I have a pacemaker for about 16 years now (hard to believe), when I was in AF and going back into NSR, I would almost black out. My heart rate would drop to almost a flat line for a few seconds, this was caught in my doctors office. My EP said immediately for me to have a pacemaker, which I did the following day. I do not use it all that much, in all of those years I have had to get a new pacer a few years ago, but I am glad it is there, I still get AF now and then and do not have any problems, the pacer is set if my heart rate drops below 50 it will kick in.

Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 29, 2016 07:39PM
Hi Chuck... as suggested, definitely rule out heart block before proceeding just to be sure. If you get the all-clear, remind me to give you hints for maintaining your electrolyte levels as a preventive.

I'm repeating again what I've mentioned in previous posts about a friend's partner who is a daily runner. At that time, many miles a day. Lots of perspiring in the warm weather. He began feeling faint at various times when he was resting, watching TV or just riding as a passenger in the car. Several times he passed out...fortunately while at home, sitting on the sofa. He went to the ER and they admitted him because of a very low, slow heart rate. The next day, a pacemaker was installed but the doctor who did it, said... "you may not actually use this much because your tests show you were very low in potassium and that can cause pauses in your heartrate as well."

In retrospect, he is more than slightly annoyed that he has to have this thing installed in his chest that never is needed since he religiously optimizes his potassium and stopped running as aggressively. He thought they should have given him potassium and kept him for observation and then decided if he really needed the pacemaker. That was been 4 - 5 years ago and each year when he goes in for the annual check, the pacer is not being used.

In hot weather, it's really crucial to hydrate well, but also replenish your critical electrolytes.

Be well,
Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 29, 2016 07:56PM
Thank you all for your input and suggestions.

I spoke with my EP, who after seeing the Zeo patch results, doesn't think I'm a candidate for a pacemaker. He said the pauses are too short and infrequent. In the meantime, his office will be sending me another Zeo patch, which I'll be wearing for longer than seven days in order to gather more data, and will follow-up with my EP at the end of October.

In the meantime, I've dropped the magnesium supplement, especially after realizing that I'm getting plenty of magnesium from my regular diet.

All the best,


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2016 07:59PM by Chuck Connors.
Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 30, 2016 12:53AM
Jackie Wrote:
> I'm repeating again what I've mentioned in
> previous posts about a friend's partner who is a
> daily runner. At that time, many miles a day.
> Lots of perspiring in the warm weather.

> In hot weather, it's really crucial to hydrate
> well, but also replenish your critical
> electrolytes.
> Be well,
> Jackie


This is me right now. I live in NC, run 4-6 miles/day and this last week has had heat indices over 100F. I've been having a heck of a time with ectopics, even after drinking a gallon of water a day and supplementing RX potassium (10 mEq) and magnesium glycinate (400 mg).

Any advice? Other than head north, I mean. smiling smiley
Re: Heart pauses for a few seconds. Treatment.
July 30, 2016 04:09PM
Hi Wolfpak... Yes... I can relate... here in NEOhio, the temps are higher than is typical and bouncing around at high 80's, low 90's... not as warm as NC, but still taxing to the body.

As you know, everyone responds slightly differently to supplementing nutrients but remember that your core nutrient program should be focused on optimizing the Magnesium so the potassium can work inside the cell. You may need to add an extra dose or two of magnesium... all depends on your bowel tolerance. Try adding a bit more several times a day as 400 mg is really a small dose if you can tolerate it.

The 10 mEq of potassium equals only 750 mg of potassium chloride - which is 'virtually' nothing by comparison to what the body actually needs for proper function... so besides getting an abundance of potassium containing foods... you can certainly increase the potassium as well. Check out page 8 of The Strategy on the function and importance of potassium in the body... [www.afibbers.org]

It helps to add some sodium (salt) to the mix as well. The gallon of water is good in one regard, but also tends to flush out the key electrolytes so you have to keep adding more than you would if the temps were 69 - 70. Salt helps retain them to a minor degree...and also helps you feel less drained and fatigued.

Be smart with the running in intense heat and...

Be well,
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