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Anti-inflammatory on thoracic vertebrae query
July 04, 2016 11:33AM
I wonder if anyone can help me here? Someone did a post on stopping Afib by using a topical anti-inflammatory on the mid thoracic area.

I've used search but can't find it.

Anyone direct me to it?


Re: Anti-inflammatory on thoracic vertebrae query
July 08, 2016 01:02PM
Hi Sam,

Talk about luck...just happened to be passing by. That sounds like my posts. You can search for my name or Dr Wallach.

It is a work in progress and too early to make another update. So far its not proven a cure but I'm improving steadily, which is the way I'd expect it if 20 years of vertebrae degeneration/compression is behind the Afib.

There's more than enough info on Wallach and Afib on YouTube to get you going. It's the only time anything has worked, apart from ablations at 12-24 months per procedure.

Re: Anti-inflammatory on thoracic vertebrae query
July 08, 2016 01:55PM
Great! Thanks
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