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Cryoablation.... Couple question
May 23, 2016 07:30PM

I am scheduled to have my procedure this Wednesday, 25 May 16. My EP of the past 3 years, Dr. Harpreet Grewal, will be doing the Cryoablation. My questions, if anyone knows are:

For this procedure is it a must for me to go into Afib in order to complete the cryoablation?

How does the team trigger Afib during a procedure?

Dr Grewal said the procedure itself should take just over an hour.

Thanks in advance!
Re: Cryoablation.... Couple question
May 24, 2016 08:10PM

I did some reading on the procedure and I believe I now have a better understanding of how procedure ID's specific areas to "cryo" .

Re: Cryoablation.... Couple question
May 25, 2016 08:25AM
Welcome Bravo,

The EP will often enduce AFIb either by fast pacing of the LA or use of isoproterenol but usually they prefer pacing at the start of an ablation. However, it really doesnt matter when a straight forward PVI only is being performed as the endpoint of the procedure is confirmed PV isolation with at least entrance block anf often bi-directional entrance and exit block across the PV (pulmonary veins) to LA left atrium) lesion... As such the EP can do the procedure and confirm bidirectional block when the patient in still in NSR and technically it really does not matter whether or not he enduced AFIB.

It is somewhat up to preference and if the EP is going to look for any other extra-PV triggers.

Re: Cryoablation.... Couple question
May 31, 2016 02:01PM
Bravo - you may find the following video from Brigham and Women's informative with regards to what the EP will do during the procedure.

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