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LabDoor testing of popular Magnesium Supplements
March 27, 2016 03:08PM
I was surprised to see the Kal and Cardiovascular Research brands contained arsenic. I alternate between both! eye popping smiley I'll probably switch to Doctor's Best.

Thoughts on this?

Re: LabDoor testing of popular Magnesium Supplements
March 27, 2016 04:53PM
Good find on the website.

It's very important to be aware of sources and eliminate where humanly possible any sources of arsenic as it's found in many foods and water. Typically trace amounts of arsenic are detoxified by methylation and eliminated, but as with other toxicants, when there is a methylation or other detoxification defect, accumulation leads to health issues


A is for Apple, Arsenic… and …..Arrhythmia? (and also many other popular foods and red wine)

Did you know that most of our imported fruit juices, mainly apple, come from China? Sometimes juice companies like Mott’s and Nestle’s Juicy-Juice will have the countries of origin (including China) stamped or listed on the back of the packages. Even Veryfine brand claims to be an American classic, using Washington apples…from China.

Conventional apple juice drinkers have unknowingly consumed 55 parts per billion arsenic levels for years even though the EPA limits arsenic levels in drinking water at only 10 parts per billion. China uses arsenic-based pesticides in farming and hasn’t gotten the whole food safety thing down yet.

Food & Water Watch has called on the FDA to actually test levels in our imported foods, but they test less than two percent and have never set tolerance levels for arsenic and heavy metals.

~Health Freedoms [www.healthfreedoms.org]

Arsenic-Laced Apple Juice Flowing From China?
To the long list of things that worry Food & Water Watch, add a river of apple juice coming from China and the high arsenic levels found in that flow.

That combo was enough to cause F&WW Thursday to call upon Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret Hamburg to set a tolerance level for heavy metals like arsenic in apple products. The national environmental group also wants stepped up testing on imported foods.

The request for FDA action came after F&WW and its partner, the Empire State Consumer Project, announced the results of tests by Paradigm Environmental Services showing Mott’s Apple Juice with arsenic levels of 55 parts per billion.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits arsenic in public drinking water to 10 parts per billion, a level that has forced some communities to invest millions on treatment to cut existing levels.

According to F&WW, more than 70 percent of the apple juice consumed in the United States now comes from the People’s Republic of China, where the government has acknowledged a problem enforcing a new food safety law. F&WW also reports that China makes wide use of arsenic-based pesticides in farming.

In a letter to Hamburg, F&WW’s Wenonah Hauter and Empire State’s Judy Braiman say apple juice should come in for special attention because it “is regularly consumed by children.”

“We find it unconscionable that FDA has not established tolerance levels for arsenic and other heavy metals in the foods we consume, especially for foods that are staples in children’s diets,” they wrote.

F&WW began drawing attention to potential dangers of food from China last month, especially juice, candy and canned fruit consumed by American children. According to the group, China’s food exports to the U.S. have tripled over the past decade to nearly 4 billion pounds of food in 2010 with a value of $5 billion.

Less than 2 percent of imported food is inspected by FDA.
The arsenic levels produced by the F&WW-Empire State-Paradigm tests exceeded those found in apple juice by the St. Petersburg Times in March 2010. The Florida newspaper reported levels of 35 parts per billion.

Mott’s, an American company with a history dating back to the 1840s, has not commented on the high arsenic levels found in its apple juice. FDA, which has previously expressed concerned about arsenic levels above 23 parts per billion, also has yet to comment on the uptick that may be occurring from Chinese apple juice.


Inorganic Arsenicals.
A number of studies in humans indicate that arsenic ingestion may
lead to serious effects on the cardiovascular system.

Characteristic effects on the heart from both acute and long-term
exposure include altered myocardial depolarization (prolonged
QT interval, nonspecific ST segment changes) and cardiac arrhythmias.
(Cullen et al. 1995; Glazener et al . 1968; Goldsmith and From 1986;
Heyman et al. 1956; Little et al. 1990; Mizuta et al . 1956; Moore et al. 1994b;
Mumford et al. 2007).

A significant dose-related increase in the prevalence of cardiac electrophysiologic
abnormalities was observed in residents of Inner Mongolia, China; the incidences of QT
prolongation were observed in 3.9, 11.1, and 20. 6% of the residents with drinking
water levels of <21, 110–300, and 430–690 μg/L, respectively (Mumford et al. 2007).

See also:


People with the highest levels of these 6 toxins were 38 times more likely to have blood sugar problems compared to the people with the lowest levels

Can you tell which one of these “healthy” meals is loaded with one of the deadliest poisons in history?
The answer below may shock you…
by Dr. Janet Zand

These meals all look extremely healthy, don’t they? (website)

You’d never guess that one of them contains dangerously high levels of one of the most deadly poisons known to man. A poison so lethal that it only takes an amount the size of a pea to kill you. And only micrograms to throw a monkey wrench into virtually every bodily function.

This deadly toxin is astonishingly versatile -- able to cause damage even at low doses. It’s easily absorbed in the stomach and intestines and from there it can spread out and damage your skin, lungs, liver, kidneys and more.
Because this deadly poison has no color or odor, it’s almost impossible to detect. Worse, it harms you slowly and insidiously. You get sicker and sicker without raising the typical doctor’s suspicions. By the time you or your doctor realizes you’ve been poisoned it’s too late!

This poison is so hard to detect, it was used throughout history to kill off unsuspecting spouses and wealthy relatives. It has been implicated in the death of kings and queens. And best-selling novelist, Agatha Christie, calls it her murder weapon of choice.

In case you haven’t guessed by now, I’m talking about arsenic. That’s right, one of the most deadly poisons in history is now showing up in so-called “healthy” foods.

See that healthy looking plate of veggies and rice? I hate to break it to you, but the rice is likely loaded with dangerously high levels of arsenic according to an undercover investigation by scientists at the prestigious Consumer Reports organization.

Consumer Reports tested 223 samples of rice products and found significant levels of arsenic in almost all of them. Researchers found arsenic contamination in every kind of rice tested including white, brown, parboiled, jasmine, basmati and more. Expensive or cheap, fancy or plain, it didn’t matter – all of them were contaminated.

And even if you never eat rice, please don’t think you’re safe. Rice flour, bran and rice-based sweeteners are in virtually everything you eat, including crackers, pasta, energy bars, and granola bars. It’s even used to brew beer.
How did this toxic poison end up in our food?

Environmental levels have increased, thanks to heavy use of pesticides and poultry fertilizers that contain arsenic. In fact, the U.S. is the world’s leading user of arsenic, accumulating an unbelievable 1.5 million tons of the poison according to Consumer Reports. All that stuff just goes right into the soil.

Do Environmental Toxins Cause Blood Sugar Problems?
There’s an epidemic of blood sugar problems in America and scientists now believe they have found out the reason why.
Scientists tested 2,016 Americans for the presence of six toxins known as POPs (persistent organic pollutants). The scientists then compared the levels of these 6 toxins in the participants’ bodies to their history of blood sugar problems.
And here’s what they discovered. The people with the highest levels of these 6 toxins were 38 times more likely to have blood sugar problems compared to the people with the lowest levels!

That’s because these toxins can destroy the beta cells in your pancreas that produce insulin, the hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels. These toxins can also interfere with the cell receptors that carry glucose (sugar) to your muscle and fat cells. And they can limit your cell receptors’ ability to use insulin. When your cells have a hard time accepting and using insulin, then your blood sugar rises.

Unfortunately, rice plants soak up arsenic like a sponge. In fact, while all plants absorb some arsenic from the soil, rice plants absorb 20 TIMES more arsenic than other grains. And because organic rice soaks up arsenic from the soil just as greedily as conventional rice, heading to Whole Foods isn’t going to save you!

Not only that, but “healthier” brown rice actually contains higher levels of arsenic. In fact, tests show brown rice can contain up to 80% MORE arsenic on average than white because arsenic builds up in the bran. And brown rice is all about the bran.

The sad fact is that eating rice and rice-based products can create a slow buildup of arsenic in your body. And according to shocking new research from Dartmouth, women who eat as little as half a cup of rice a day have 53% more arsenic in their bodies than women who don’t eat rice.

Repeated exposure to even very low doses of arsenic in your food and water can cause breathing problems, increase your risk for heart and blood sugar problems, and interfere with the function of your immune cells. It also damages lung cells and causes inflammation in heart cells.

And at high levels it can be deadly.
So what are you supposed to do? Well, you can try rinsing rice before you cook it. Or you cook it like pasta in a big pot of water. But these precautions only eliminate around 40% of the arsenic.

You could try not to eat rice. But as I said, it’s in virtually everything. And do you really want to spend the rest of your life running from rice, never eating in a Chinese restaurant, and refusing any dish you’re served that contains rice?
The good news is there’s a simple solution that can safely and gently remove arsenic from your body. Not only that, but this same solution enables you to flush out additional heavy metals and dangerous toxins that new studies show are contaminating in your body. I’ll tell you all about this simple solution in just a moment.

Why Even “Health Nuts” Are Contaminated With Toxins
For 20 years, Charlotte Brody ate organic produce, used non-toxic household cleaning detergents, and avoided pesticides in her home and garden. “I’m the one hand-picking individual weeds from my garden rather than using chemical sprays, and going that extra mile to get my organic milk in a glass bottle,” she said.

So when Charlotte volunteered to have her blood tested for the presence of 210 different toxic chemicals as part of a recent scientific study, she thought her blood would be relatively clean…

But Charlotte was shocked when scientists at Mount Sinai Medical Center discovered 85 different chemicals in her blood including more than two dozen types of PCBs, seven dioxins, and a banned household insecticide. “I’m proof that a healthy lifestyle doesn’t shield you,” she said after seeing the results.

Unfortunately, Charlotte’s story isn’t unique. Every person tested by Mount Sinai Medical Center in the same study was contaminated with an average of 91 chemicals each.

The evidence is clear: Everyone, regardless of their lifestyle, needs to detox their body.
But first, let me show you why arsenic isn’t the only dangerous toxin that’s ending up in your food. Additional studies have found DDT, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), mercury, and dioxins in many popular foods. And every day more and more of these chemicals slowly seep into our bodies.

Now, you may already know about the dangers of toxins. And you may already do everything you can to avoid them — like eating organic food, drinking filtered water, or using natural products in your home. But, as I just mentioned, your body may still be contaminated even if you take all these precautions.

Continue: [www.advancedbionutritionals.com]

Arsenic in American Wines [www.yahoo.com]

Arsenic Content in Rice, Wine and Apple Juice [articles.mercola.com]

This report is on the FDA, Dr. Oz and arsenic levels in apple juice (this would also include cider) is an interesting example of how toxicity issues are skirted by the agency. Dr. Oz rightfully pointed out that organic apple juice would be a safe alternative and the agency tried to convince him not to air the segment.


Apples are #1 on the Environmental Working Groups list of foods containing the highest toxicity/ pesticide levels with strawberries listed as 2nd. EWG initially had a Dirty Dozen list and now offers a list of 48 foods plus a Clean 15 list as well. I carry one with me in case I’m unable to find organic produce and need to substitute. [www.ewg.org]

Arsenic is detoxified and excreted via the methylation process. If you have deficiencies in methylation or a shortage of S-adenosylmethionine, that could result in toxicity issues. Arsenic accumulates in organs and breaks down the immune system. Excess amounts lead to carcinoma, blindness, renal failure, diabetes and cancer.

These are just a few awareness reports on arsenic toxicity. Arsenic occurs naturally in the soil and in some areas more than others. The key is awareness and avoiding the known risk areas... just as alangford has discovered the presence of arsenic in a magnesium supplement.

More here: [www.google.com]

Re: LabDoor testing of popular Magnesium Supplements
March 28, 2016 12:20AM
Thanks for the labdoor link. It's important to keep on top of what we're choosing to help us tame the monster.
Re: LabDoor testing of popular Magnesium Supplements
March 31, 2016 02:13PM
Homeopathic treatment for arsnic


I wonder how we can test for this type of poisoning? I've had hair tests show that I have low levels of heavy metals, but maybe this doesn't tell the whole story bacause I can't lose much weight on even a very low carb diet.
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