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Murray - any news?
February 19, 2016 05:38PM
Wondering how you are getting on, Murray. Hope all is well.

Re: Murray - any news?
February 20, 2016 08:37PM
Apologies for my absence. Still suffering some shortness of breath but it is improving daily. My heart is calm. I continue to take Tikosyn during my blanking period but the difference is that I don't even know my heart is in my chest these days. No skipped beats. No extra beats. Just sweet NSR. I am now undergoing intensive review of my spine injury which appears to be healing somewhat on its own. Yesterday I underwent a nerve conduction study. Followup will be in two weeks. Will keep everyone posted. It is around the same time as me followup with Dr. Verma at Southlake. Joy haDivision surgery a few days ago so all is quiet around here at the moment. Thanks for asking Gill

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: Murray - any news?
February 20, 2016 09:43PM
Thanks for the update Murray. Good to hear that all is well. Do please keep posting.

Re: Murray - any news?
February 21, 2016 09:16AM
Hello Murray, i was worried too and was glad Gill asked. Good to know you are ok. Continue that way, please.

Re: Murray - any news?
February 21, 2016 02:56PM
Hi Murray - Glad you are continuing to improve. Thanks for letting us know.

Best to you,
Re: Murray - any news?
February 26, 2016 04:59PM
Still continuing to improve daily.... I can see my SpO2 rising slowly and it is often overlooked 90. What a relief! Dr. Verma is a gem. He persisted for SEVEN hours of ablation. I was in the OR / catheter lab as they prefer to call it.... for around 8 hours. Then into recover for an hour and straight up to a CCU room where they fed me dinner. Literally. A few bites of chicken and rice. I remained on a Foley catheter until the morning and expecting to be kept for the weekend was surprised when Dr. Verma showed up at 6 a.m. and asked if I wanted to go home. Blissful NSR since I believe. I feel great! Still on Tikosyn, etc. Will keep you all posted on progress. Follow up next week with Dr. Verma.

Anyone opting for ablation.....you want the very best EP you can find.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: Murray - any news?
February 26, 2016 05:38PM
So good to see that you are doing well, Murray; and I'm also so very pleased you were able to have Dr. Verma do your ablation.

Best to you,
Re: Murray - any news?
March 17, 2016 02:10AM

March 16 and about 6 weeks since ablation. All appears to be calm. I see Dr. Verma at the end of the month and I believe at that time he is going to put me on an event monitor that will record one minute before and one minute after either an autodetected arrhythmia or a button press should I feel 'anything'. I was on Pantoprazole (TEKTA) twice a day to stop acid production in my stomache in case there was inflammation/etc. in my esophagus. I ran out of it on this past weekend. HOLLLY SMOKES! Minor discomfort at the base of my sternum but it literally knocked the poop out of me. I have not been able to function for the past 3-4 days but things appear to be settling down so I don't need to be near (VERY NEAR) to the washroom at all times. I won't even take a long ride in the car at the moment and if all is calm tomorrow I will assume I have returned to normal and get on with things. My SpO2 remains marginal but remember that I had Influenza A/H1N1 and lung damage a few years back. I am back to infusing O2 into my CPAP air line at night in order to keep my SpO2 over 89% at night.

Am scheduled for a CT scan of my spine, especially T10-T12 and L1-L2 due to an accident May 19, 2014. Pain has been excruciating. My daily regimen has included Percocet but this week we went to Oxycocet WITHOUT TYLENOL in it. And the family physician did a wonderful selling job on gabapentin, which I took a few years back and which did nothing for me except make me miserable. So I am taking the Oxy as needed (especially at night) and leaving the Gabapentin in the bottle. Two days and so far it seems to be working superbly. Without the Tylenol and without the Gabapentin. After the CT scan the spinal surgeon (neurosurgeon) will discuss cementing the damaged vertebrae arthroscopically so I can get back to my favorite activities without worrying about becoming a paraplegic. Saw one of the neurosurgery team this past Friday and was told to refrain from lifting or carrying anything in excess of 10 pounds (or was that kilos).

The main thing is that my heart appears to be very calm although I remain on TIKOSYN for the moment. I expect Dr. Verma will take me off TIKOSYN when he puts the heart event monitor on me at the end of this month to see what happens. Please keep your fingers crossed for me; I was on the table being burned for over 7 hours instead of the 3 hours anticipated. I am told I have a solid 75% chance of a solid resolution, if not better. I'm the guy that always wins the door prizes - but a happy thought for us would still be appreciated.

Will keep you posted and thanks for all the good wishes, etc. It has been a rough few years here.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
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