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Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 17, 2016 05:13PM


I had a successful AFIB ablation with Dr. Natale on May 2, 2013, after suffering with AFIB for 11 years. I'm now 35 and have been AFIB free every since the surgery - it's been so wonderful and amazing - a new lease on life. Three months post op, I did start having pretty terrible bouts of PACs and PVCs--which I think is the last time I posted and Shannon and Jackie thought I was probably low on Mg and Potassium. They were spot on, and so for the past 3 years, I have controlled my PACs and PVCs primarily with Magnesium, but also with many of the supplements in The Strategy - thank you, Jackie! I am gluten free, eat all organic and non-GMO (with a few exceptions for work luncheons), do earthing, wear a Q-Link necklace, have Defenderpads for my electronics, use all organic non-toxic personal care products, sleep on an organic latex mattress--no coils, am off all medications, and am generally trying to do it right.


I have found that I need to take the following Magnesium regimen daily in order to keep the PACs/PVCs at bay:
- 3 teaspoons of CALM Magnesium drink (487.5mg)
- 3 capsules of Magnesium Malate by Designs for Health (540mg)
I also take other supplements which include Mg, such as VasculoSirt (120mg).


Bottom line, I'm getting 1000mg+ of Mg a day and playing with bowel tolerance is a daily affair. When my BMs get more constipated, if I don't increase my Mg intake, I usually end up with PACs/PVCs about 24 - 48 hours later. If I do end up with PACs/PVCs, drinking 2-4 teaspoons CALM and taking more Mg Malate will get rid of them within minutes or hours--worst case has been 4 days (on several occasions) to get back to normal. If I go 2-3 days without taking Mg at this regimen, PACs/PVCs start to creep in. Also, when I exercise, if I don't take more Mg, then PACs/PVCs start to creep in (probably due to electrolyte loss from the workout).


Now to the mercury toxicity. I have taken the Doctor's Data Heavy Metal Toxicity blood test 4 times from 2013 - 2015. 3 of the 4 tests have shown me in the 95+% range for mercury toxicity (the 3rd one I took showed me slightly below 95%--which is technically not in the warning zone...not sure what happened there). My functional medicine doctors (Dr Mark Houston and Dr. Joseph Lamb) believe mercury probably is a contributing factor to my underlying heart rhythm issues. However, no doctor I spoke with was willing to attempt de-tox (via chelation) until I had an ablation to stop the AFIB. So, my plan has been to pursue the mercury detox post-ablation because I've known all along that, even if I'm symptomatically AFIB free because of the ablation, if I don't eliminate the underlying causes, then the chances of AFIB beast coming back are greater and eventually breaking through the scar tissue is probably greater. Same reason why I take all the supplements.


Anyway, so it's been almost 3 years post-op, and I have finally gotten around to doing something about my mercury levels. It's taken time to mentally prepare myself because I know chelation and mercury detox can produce arrhythmias and even AFIB, and I also had a very rough post-op from the ablation (digestive system didn't get back to normal for about 6 months--no one could explain why). So, it's been about 2 years of AFIB free life that got me ready.

On Sunday, 2/14/16, I took a Genova 6 hour urine test (with 700mg DMSA as the provocation agent) to determine what my heavy metal load really is, which would inform my chelation treatment approach. I did the test without incident.


It's been 3 days since I took the DMSA. This morning, walking into my work, at around 8AM, I had some shortness of breath which felt like PACs/PVCs. I am VERY sensitive to my heart rhythm, so like normal, I paused, checked my pulse to make sure they were just skipped beats and was about to go on my way. However, to my horror, my pulse was racing. First time since May 2, 2013, I felt like I was in an arrhythmia. For about the next 2 minutes, I sat down, tried to take deep breaths and felt my world crashing down on me with flashbacks to my 11 years of AFIB. Fortunately, the episode--whatever it was--maybe it was NOT AFIB (I pray it wasn't) and just felt like it, stopped and I'm back in NSR.

I only got 5 hours of sleep last night and have been a little constipated (so, low Mg), so maybe that was it. But I hate even thinking like this because I did this kind of guessing game with AFIB for 11 years and I always got let down.


Jackie, Shannon, others - do you think this was caused by the DMSA? Would love to know any thoughts you have about what happened and what I should do next. I have heard that some people will have an occasional relapse, but it doesn't mean AFIB is back and I need another trip to Dr. Natale. (And clearly, it could have been a lot worse than 2-3 minutes of arrhythmia--or whatever it was). However, I just want to make sure I don't do anything stupid here and I hope that this is just a blip on the radar and that I won't have anymore.

I know Dr. Natale says I should be good for 2-3 years, and then after that, it comes back for some--and without warning. I just hope I don't fall into that category. I'm banking on the hope that those types of folks (i.e., where it comes back without warning) are not following The Strategy, and that by me trying to adhere to it, will improve my chances.

I do know that while diet is solid for me, I need to do better with sleep, stress management and exercise. I'm not overweight, but I could do better (164 lbs, 6 ft tall, Body Fat 17.4%).


Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 17, 2016 07:08PM
Hi Stephen... First, congratulations for making the significant commitment to a healthy lifestyle which has undoubtedly helped your body in many more ways than just stabilizing your heart after the successful ablation. You may recall that after my 2003 ablation, I was mostly stabilized for the next 11 years ...thanks to The Strategy and a focus on alkalinity, so you shouldn't expect with your very healthy regimen to be needing a second ablation all that soon, especially if you can tolerate the mercury detoxing.

You mention digestive complications... can you elaborate?

The mercury issue is certainly a Catch 22 as you've recently discovered with the DMSA and I can appreciate that you aren't keen on revving up that potential by detoxing the mercury, but with high levels, you do need to address removal... (safely and slowly) which can be a challenge to do it effectively enough and also 'gently' and slow enough.

A number of years ago a friend with Afib and other problems embarked on the mercury detoxing challenge and ended up writing a book about his experiences. He did get rid of the mercury and other toxins and (eventually) felt extremely well but it was a difficult journey for him at his age - considerably older than you are. Once the contaminants were out of his body, the afib was eliminated as well...so no need for a procedure, but it was a very long process. I'll check to see if he offered tips that might help prevent afib events during the IV chelation process. I don't recall the details.

While I've researched the mercury topic extensively, I haven't gone through detoxing it myself as my screenings were actually, low... surprisingly enough, but when I think of chelating for mercury, I immediately think of Garry F. Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H). Check some of the links with this Google search. [www.google.com] Certainly, Dr. Houston is considered a top tier functional medicine practitioner so you're very fortunate to have access to his care.

I should also mention that I know a young woman who was severely disabled with mercury toxicity who also was unable to do the IV chelation therapy because it was too harsh. She used cilantro pesto that she made herself for detoxing and eventually, she was clear of the mercury and wasn't totally incapacitated during the process... but, of course, she didn't have the additional burden of Afib. [www.google.com]

Keep in mind that your sleep and stress management can be influenced by the presence of the mercury so once that's removed or lowered significantly, you should notice a huge difference.

I'll send you a PM with any details that might be useful... give me a few days to find my files and go through them.

Meanwhile, keep up with your magnesium; consider also using the magnesium bicarbonate water aka WW if you don't already as alkalizing has so many positive benefits overall and make sure your intake of potassium-containing foods is high on a daily basis... or supplement if you fall short as potassium ultimately the heart calm as long as there is a good base of magnesium.

Best to you,
Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 17, 2016 08:52PM
Thanks, Jackie! Since I've largely been out of the loop for 2014-2015, did something happen to you during the last 2 years? You said "after my 2003 ablation, I was mostly stabilized for the next 11 years", which would bring us to 2014. Did you need to have something done in 2014-2015?

As for my digestive issues post-op, I posted about my issues in here back around May 2, 2013 and probably a few weeks after (for anyone who wants more details!). But basically, my PCP back in Nashville concluded that I probably had an ileus. The next day after the ablation, I had excruciatingly horrible gas pain and bloating in my stomach (gas couldn't get out), gross burps, and diarrhea. X-rays showed that my bowels were not working - they are supposed to undulate in a wave-like motion to push food through your digestive system, but mine were "relaxed" and not moving. I have lost 17 lbs over 30 days and neither Dr. Natale's office nor my PCP or other doctors knew what to tell me. The gas gradually got less painful, but it wasn't until around the 30 day mark that the diarrhea lessened. I slowly made a full recovery, except that I got nauseated whenever I ate avocados or almonds for the next 2 years. So weird.

I look forward to the Mercury materials. I really appreciate the links! Right now, I'm scared of moving forward with that; it'll be telling to see what the provocation urine test shows. I'm all for "slow and low" chelation. BTW, we don't really have an IV chelation specialist in Nashville; Dr. Joseph Lamb does capsule-based chelation.

I've had some PACs/PVCs today (more than usual) and been downing CALM Mg, taking the Mg Malate capsules and spraying Ancient Minerals Mg all over my body. Seems to be helping--maybe I was just really low in Mg. Also, Dr. Houston recommended Biotics Potassium HP for supplemental Potassium. I put that, the CALM Mg drink, and Dr. Mercola's organic Hibiscus tea (good for lowering blood pressure) in my daily water bottle. I need to look at the WW formula and see about combining that, too.

I check my pH levels pretty regularly each morning and am usually in the 6.2 - 7.2 range (assuming I haven't eaten anything sugary the day before).

Now that it's been 2 years later with lots more folks having ablations, and those having ablations seeing how they fair, is there a new consensus on how long one can go with this type of lifestyle and not have another ablation?


Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 04:10AM

Several (6 or7) years ago, chelation with DMSA was one of the paths I went down, trying to chase everything I could in my anti-afib quest. Can't say it made a difference plus or minus. I'd certainly tread lightly if you think the arrhythmia you experienced is related to the DMSA.

Good luck!



I eat a prescribed near raw vegan diet (no grains, legumes or nightshades, mostly non-starchy veggies & some allowed nuts plus 20g of protein/day from shellfish, whitefish or eggs - see <[www.afibbers.org]). As a part of this I east some cilantro daily as well as consuming 3 g chorella. This is a known chelation protocol that is more "gentle" than the DMSA (but still effective). My doc, Steve Gundry, referenced in the link prescribes the chorella. I've not had any negative effects from this combination regarding afib (going on one 1 hr episode in 33 months, never had an ablation. Had 2 1/2 month episode at the beginning of my afib career.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2016 04:20AM by GeorgeN.
Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 01:12PM

What blood type are you? I am trying to determine how blood type relates to diet.

Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 01:49PM
Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 02:34PM
Marsh - Naturopathic physician, Peter D'Adiamo, wrote the book "Eat Right for Your Type".. (blood type) 20 years ago.
He maintains that certain foods and blood types are not compatible and recommends foods to eat and avoid for each.
Many don't agree with his approach and yet, many people have found that indeed, eating for their blood type makes a difference where nothing else has.

Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 02:46PM
Stephen - On the Calm magnesium.... if this is the one that's based on magnesium citrate, you may want to consider using the magnesium bisglycinate amino acid chelated version (label indicates Albion patented process). The citrate form is known to cause laxation more easily and the amino acid chelate form is the least likely to cause bowel tolerance issues at the higher doses afibbers typically require to maintain heart stability. I like that you are using the topical Mg as well.

I'm working the detoxing info and hope to send soon... and I agree with George that the DMSA may be much too harsh. Catch 22, leaving the mercury in isn't a good idea either.


Here's the link to my 'progress report' posted in December... FYI
Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 04:17PM
Regarding chelation, there are a number of anecdotal stories of bad side effects when detoxing too quickly via agents such as DMSA.

Even using more mild measures (such as adding cilantro to salads) have been reported to cause bad side effects, if ramped up too quickly. For example:


Hello everyone,

I would like to put into writing an odd experience with a heavy metal detox diet that I created in 2005, at the age of 21. I have spent a lot of time thinking about it to myself since then, but have not yet shared with many others. Early that year, I began doing research into heavy metal toxicity, vaccinations, dental amalgams, etc. The more I learned, the more I wanted to learn. I have about a dozen amalgam fillings from my childhood, and can remember getting more vaccinations as a child than I care to remember. So in the course of my information gathering, I learned that Cilantro had potential chelation properties for mercury. So I decided to add Cilantro to my daily diet. Instead of just adding a pinch of it here and there, I decided on an entire salad made from the plant at least once per day. These salads were very large, usually consumed for lunch, and included salad dressing and occasionally other vegetables. Within an hour of eating this salad on the first day, I suddenly felt as if I had a fever, but this feeling left by the next day. In all, I consumed this large dosing of raw cilantro on a daily basis for about a month. During that time, I noticed many unusual mental and physical changes happening to myself, many of which were so strange that I could scarcely believe what I was seeing.

The first thing I noticed was an increase in acne, or what I thought was acne. Large pimple looking bumps would show up on my face, but unlike normal acne, they would persist for weeks or longer. They were also much more painful, and whatever was causing the bump seemed to be very far under the skin. Any treatments used for regular acne had no effect on them. They eventually spread to my back, chest and arms. Many times they would appear symmetrically on my body. I still have unusual scars and remnants of these lesions on my chest to this day. They continued to keep appearing for quite some time after I discontinued eating Cilantro.

I also noticed an increase in body hair. Back then I was not, and would still not consider myself an extremely "hairy" person. Previous to this, I had not a single hair on either hand. By the end of the month both hands were covered with an obvious thin layer of hair, extending down the fingers. Arm, leg and pubic hair all increased in thickness. This change was especially shocking to me.

Mental changes were just as drastic. I felt much more moody and emotional. Near the end I could not get through a day without weeping uncontrollably. This is what eventually led to me discontinuing the ingestion of these salads. I felt as if I was experiencing new emotions that I had never felt before. I felt much more concern for problems that friends were experiencing, and this caused me great pain. I also felt as if I constantly needed people around me, where previously I had been perfectly content in solitude.

I became filled with anxiety. I had been at my job for almost two years, with no prior thoughts of leaving. All of a sudden I could not stand being there, I felt as if I should not be there, and needed to move on to more exciting things. It was as if I had a huge quantity of pent up energy, and no way to use it. I soon ended up leaving that job and moving 1500 miles away on a whim.

The mental changes slowly disappeared after I stopped eating Cilantro. The increased hair remained, as did much of the skin issues. I know that the Cilantro caused all of these changes, but I am still trying to understand how and why.

Was large quantities of mercury being removed from my body? Was I reverting to a non-poisoned state?

Was the mercury being partially chelated, but not actually removed from my body? Just moving around and disrupting new areas? Becoming "mad as a hatter"?

Could mercury have been suppressing my testosterone levels? Evidence for this would be the increase in hair growth.

Could heavy metal poisoning have some relationship to acne/skin problems?

Has anyone had a similar experience?
Any feedback, questions and comments are welcome!

Ref: [cassiopaea.org]

The replies to that thread seemed to believe that if one chelates too quickly, the mercury which was safely ensconced in fat tissue may indeed be freed up, but rather than being eliminated (via urine) it may instead settle down in a place in the body which causes more problems (joints, nerves, etc).

Other anecdotal reports of chelaton unintended consequences are stories about people who "never quite feel the same energy" after chelation. It is speculated that in addition to removing the harmful mercury/lead/whatever, sometimes chelating agents also remove *beneficial* trace minerals that the body needs.

At any rate, I hope you're feeling better soon.
Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 06:41PM

I have read the book, Eat Right For Your Type by Peter D'Adiamo and own a copy of it as well as a recipe book for blood type A. I am also currently reading Hans Larson's book, Lone Atrial Fribrillation, Towards a Cure. which is a very good book. I wish I had this book long time ago.

From my reading of different books and articles, it seems people suggest a good diet for those with afib is the Paleo diet. However, Hans Larsen used the book, Eat Right For Your Type to help him with his diet. But, he has blood type O which is more compatible with the Paleo diet. I have blood type A- which is not as compatible with the Paleo diet. The diet plan for blood type A in D'Adiamo's book is more of a vegetarian diet with emphasis on low-fat foods, low meat protein, plenty of vegetables, fairly high in cereals (no wheat) and legumes, and some dairy. I would even say low fat. If I am correct, a Paleo diet suggest high meat protein, moderate to high fat, moderate carbohydrates, high fruit and non starchy vegetables, no grains or legumes, and no dairy products. These two diets seem to be opposites.

Also, too many grains are not good for you as suggested in the books, Wheat Belly and Grain Brain. I believe one of these books suggest a high fat diet to protect your brain.

Thus, I get very confused in deciding which diet is best for me. Sometimes, I just don't what to eat. Is it best to just use D' Adiamo's book and eat according to your blood type? Would I be eating too many grains which may not be good for me even though my blood type seems to tolerate them better than other blood types? Would I get enough fat? This is the way I ate before I had my afib episodes and I still developed afib (probably due to stress more than diet). Although, I didn't eat any meat protein which I can eat some according to D'Adiamo's book. Further, I am in my 60's which may mean that I need more protein as I get older. And what type of protein should this be - meat or plant or both? I just get confused.

I thought maybe I could conduct a survey to discover what diet helps people with afib. Questions could be asked that would take in account their blood type, whether they had an ablation, their age range, supplement use, testing procedures, etc. This is where I am in my journey with this disease.

Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 07:40PM
A few months ago, following some excellent references by GeorgeN of this board, I found a book, "Perfect Health Diet" by Paul and Shou-Ching Jaminet. Very well researched by two scientists, one a cancer researcher. I've learned more about nutrition and how to balance nutrients than everything else I've ever read put together. I'm not totally on the PHD yet but already solved a couple of major problems. I sleep better, wake up clear headed with the energy to start my day (at 5 am) and I haven't had an ectopic for several weeks. I'm much more optimistic about the future.

Perfect Health Diet

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2016 07:42PM by Mike E.
Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 18, 2016 09:46PM
Marsh - I agree that the right eating plan for your biochemical uniqueness and genetics can be tricky. Most of the books are just general guidelines that can help but not in every case.

There is testing to learn of incompatibility with various foods but finding a local doctor to order them is not always easy because it's typically the holistic and functional medicine practitioners that have the experience.

When I began as a new patient with my FM MD, the food compatibility testing was among the first she ordered. Then it was a detoxing plan to get rid of all the accumulated 'insults' and testing the gut for the proper balance of good bacteria... getting rid of the unhealthy residents. She followed the original gut rebalancing plan put forth by the father of functional medicine, Jeffrey Bland, PhD... called the 4R Plan. Remove, Replace, Replace, Repair.

My testing indicated a number of incompatibilities and some gut pathogens that needed to be eliminated as well as Leaky Gut Syndrome (Intestinal Permeability) which also required a protocol to repair the gut. So it involved a great deal of time spent planning meals and documenting everything daily so she could see the progress or weak areas that still needed attention. It did pay off, though, because gut-wise, I actually felt 'normal' which was not the case for many years. I still use digestive enzymes and probiotics. I had previously doctored extensively and none of the specialists I saw offered any solutions. You have to start with gut health.

The major point being that if you can't utilize properly the nutrients from the foods you do eat, then nothing downstream from that is accomplished. If your gut lining is clogged with Candida (as an example), you can't absorb properly through the intestinal wall and even though you think you eat well, it doesn't have the nutritional impact. Intestinal inflammation is another culprit which prevents nutritional benefits and causes other problems throughout the entire body.

Additionally, a number of years ago, one of our afibbers from Australia, Dean, alerted us to the book by Michael Gershon, MD, The Second Brain... which helps explain the complexity of the gut's influence on the nervous system and the impact abnormalities have on various systems. Dean eliminated his afib by correcting his gut issues with the food natto. You can read a lot of that book online at Amazon... the Look Inside feature. It's definitely worth considering because of the gut's effect on the nervous system...which ultimately affects heart function as well.

Lastly, and most importantly, the gut flora or microbiota must be properly populated and balanced. I'll be doing a report on that fairly soon. So watch for that.

I urge you to find a practitioner who can do the appropriate testing so you can make progress.

Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 22, 2016 07:23PM


Thanks for the Magnesium info! The CALM Magnesium is the one based on magnesium citrate. Is there another version of CALM that uses the magnesium bisglycinate amino acid chelated version (label indicates Albion patented process)? Or, are you just saying to use a Mg supplement (not CALM) that uses the magnesium bisglycinate amino acid chelated version (label indicates Albion patented process)?

Would love any thoughts you have on my experiences with these kinds of Magnesium:

For whatever reason, when I drink the CALM, I can almost immediately feel a physiological change take over my body - relaxation, calm, de-stressing. It feels really good. I get a very similar reaction to apply the topical Ancient Minerals Magnesium liquid spray, which is Magnesium Chloride. I have also felt (at times) almost immediate relief of PAC/PVC activity from taking them.

I have not experienced either the calming effect or the relief from PAC/PVC activity by taking Mg in capsule form, even though the amount of elemental Magnesium in the capsules is higher than the powder or spray. Any thoughts on why this might be?

The two that I have taken / am taking are made by Designs for Health:
- Magnesium Malate (Di-Magnesium Malate) - my FM MD recommends this one because of Malic acid's role in the Krebs cycle. The bottle does have the Albion symbol on it, but I'm not sure what all that means.
- Magnesium Buffered Chelate (TRAACS: Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate Buffered - from Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate and Magnesium Oxide). The bottle also has the Albion symbol on it.

Previously, Designs for Health offered Magnesium Malate Chelate which I think was the best of both worlds...?


I have not had any more arrhythmias, but I have had more PAC/PVC activity than usual. Usually, if I saturate (to bowel tolerance or beyond) for 4 days in a row, I experience zero PAC/PVC activity on Day 5+ (totally quiet). This time around, I'm on Day 6 and am still have PAC/PVC activity. And, that's with getting lots of good sleep, too. I wonder if it could be the Mercury released by the DMSA still getting out of my system? Or anxiety? My worst fear is that the DMSA/Mercury somehow broke through my ablated scar tissue or activated a new spot, and it is giving me these additional PAC/PVCs. My greatest fear is that this might be a new normal--not that this would be a bad normal, it's just worse off than where I've been for 3 years, and with the unpredictability of the "beast", I hate to lose any ground for fear of what it might do next. This is giving me anxiety sad smiley Mentally, I know I cannot live in this space otherwise it will ruin me. But for now, with this being so new, it's hard. Thanks for letting me share what's going on with me.

I will find out on Friday what the DMSA-provoked test shows for my Mercury levels.


Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
February 24, 2016 02:28PM
Stephen –

I’m sorry to be answering late… and sorry also that my Calm magnesium question was poorly stated. My intention was to say learn if it was citrate and if the CALM form works well, then fine. If not or the laxation issue is too prevalent, then switch to the Albion patented process … amino acid chelate. I’m not aware that there is another CALM version.

I use the Albion bisglycinate chelate version in a powder and find it both easy to take and effective. I can’t use much of the Calm… but do like the topical or transdermals for relaxing; but for me, unfortunately, they’ve never given relief from AF or PACs.… proving once again, we are all different. I also use the capsules for portability in both the amino acid chelate form, magnesium malate chelate, and NeuroMag for brain support. Each day, dosing is different depending on my stress load. Some days, require much more than others.. and not because of arrhythmia because now my heart is (thankfully) calm, but for muscle tension, muscle cramps or just sore muscles.

I’ve read other testimonials on the spray magnesium being fast-acting for relief.

If you haven’t read the Magnesium report at this link, there’s more detail on how the various forms are absorbed and assimilated. [www.afibbers.org]

The mercury toxicity issue is a huge problem to correct and a very important one. The detoxification process needs to be done slowly and also followed with replacement nutrients. Mercury that stays in the body poisons cells. If you have “silver” fillings (mercury/amalgam fillings), then before detoxification, one has to have those fillings safely removed by a biologic dentist who is trained in the removal procedures and has the proper vapor scavenging equipment. After each session of removal, then a detoxification session needs to be done. (When you chew food and have silver amalgams present, mercury is released with every chewing session and even just sitting in your mouth, amalgams give off mercury vapor.)

You also have to be very selective about foods which are apt to contain high mercury content such as certain fish.


I certainly wish you well with this project since I am very familiar with the complications of mercury toxicity.

Let us know what you learn.

Best to you,
Re: Mercury Toxicity, DMSA, and AFIB Relapse?
March 10, 2017 05:52AM

My chelated test results (Genova Diagnostics - Genova Diagnostics - comprehensive Urine element for provoked heavy metal testing) surprisingly showed that I do not have heavy metal toxicity. It's weird because the Doctors Data heavy metals test (blood draw, no chelation) showed that I tested high for mercury. I thought that using a chelating agent should result in a higher result of heavy metals, but it didn't for me. But I guess it's not an apples to apples comparison because my doctor is using 2 different labs, 2 different methods (urine vs. blood) and 2 different approaches (chelating agent vs not).

I was honestly relieved to get the good Genova results, and after having been scared to death by the arrhythmia burst following the DMSA, I just let it alone for a year. Not sure if that's a good approach or not...

Does anyone have an idea on what I should do?

Thank you,

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