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1 Week till My Ablation
February 05, 2016 12:04AM
Well, it's now 7 days and counting until I have my ablation. It will be with Dr. Jason Andrade & Dr. Mathew Bennett at VGH in Vancouver. I've dealt with AFIB for the last 12 years and while I'm still not in permanent AF, the incidents have certainly increased to at least one every week or so (for perhaps 2 or 3 hours).

I'm taking part in a clinical trial whereby they are trying to determine which works best 1) RF or 2) Cryo for 240 seconds or 3) Cryo for 120 seconds performed twice. A benefit of the trial is that I've had an Implantable Cardiac Recorder 'installed' in my chest about 4 months ago. It will also remain for the next 12 - 18 months. This way they can review all my AF events. I feel that I'm extremely symptomatic, and as Bennett said - this will prove whether or not I ever have any silent sessions that I'm not aware of. It will also prove how successful the ablation is.

I have to admit I'm nervous but VGH does about 1,000 ablations each year and Andrade & Bennett are the best I've been told.

Question - I'm supposed to go to a fund raising dinner (to build schools in India) 2 days post procedure - should I plan on being able to attend or should I write it off for now???

Re: 1 Week till My Ablation
February 07, 2016 07:25PM
If your ablation is like my recent ablation i would cancel that dinner. You would be pushing it.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: 1 Week till My Ablation
February 12, 2016 01:56PM
Best wishes Rick,

Your paroxysmal ablation should not be even close to as extensive as Murray's recent large LA-based ablation.. You will likely bounce back quickly.

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