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The Procedure Itself
January 25, 2016 02:10PM
Well, it's crunch time folks. I have begun to journey through catheter ablation. They call me up a couple of days ago and asked if I would be "part of a new study" (read "guinea pig") for the use of a new catheter that will give them a three dimensional view of the inside of my heart. They intend to make two incisions in my groin area and one in my neck.

I believe that they have told me that during the T.E.E. on Thursday they will have me under a general anasthaetic, then send me home (!) only to return the next morning to sit and wait for my turn in line for the actual ablation. They will be keeping me in hospital until Monday for observation.

My question is simply this, with apologies if I am repeating myself.... after the ablation, how long am I expected to have my feet up? I am hoping that I will be able to return to work within a few days. What level of pain control should I be hoping for for the incisions. Why are they doing the T.E.E. the day before and then sending me all the way home only to return the next morning for the ablation procedure (at 6:30 a.m. with variable and unknown winter driving conditions). Are they poking my veins or my arteries to insert the catheters?

I am told that they will put me back on TIKOSYN for at least three months to allow for my "angry wounds" inside my heart to settle.

Anyway, feeling like nervous Nellie here. Am sure all will go well but just wanted to say thanks, while I remember, in advance, to all of you who have held my hand for these 4+ years since I began my TIKOSYN journey (5+ years since being diagnosed and in the hands of a less than stellar cardiologist who was more interested in selling colonics of all things as opposed to referring me onwards to a quality EP as I should have been. Much grief could have been avoided.)

I will be online from the hospital and will keep everyone posted on what's going on and how I am doing.

Fingers crossed. I am in the best possible hands here at Southlake Hospital in Newmarket.


Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: The Procedure Itself
January 25, 2016 04:21PM
Hi Murray - I'm wishing you well... in advance, Murray. It's been a long struggle for you and I am looking forward to reading your post-procedure report and news.

Best to you,

On your questions...and based on my experience with 3 ablations here in the US:

.... after the ablation, how long am I expected to have my feet up?
I was required to lie flat in bed for 6 hours... still hooked up to monitors and the Foley catheter.

I am hoping that I will be able to return to work within a few days
... Depending on your work activity, you may be able to go back after a week. My experiences are that I didn't feel weak or sick, but the wounds need the time to heal over very well so much in the way of exertion would not be smart. I felt no limitation for mobility.

. What level of pain control should I be hoping for for the incisions.
I had no pain at the incision sites. Thought that was pretty amazing. Lots of bruising but no pain.

Why are they doing the T.E.E. the day before and then sending me all the way home only to return the next morning for the ablation procedure (at 6:30 a.m. with variable and unknown winter driving conditions). Are they poking my veins or my arteries to insert the catheters?
I'm obviously not a physician, but that doesn't make sense to me. The TEE is to detect clots that may be risk factors for the procedure .... I'd think it would be prudent to do it once you are sedated for the procedure and before they begin.

(Catheters are inserted into arteries).
Re: The Procedure Itself
January 26, 2016 05:54AM
Regarding the new catheter trial, did they tell you the name of it. The most important question would be whether the catheter is used only for mapping or if also serves as the ablation catheter. If it is the latter, then I suggest passing on being a guinea pig.
Re: The Procedure Itself
January 26, 2016 06:42AM
Murray You will do fine.. Make sure dr Verma uses an irrigated ablation catheter which Im sure he will anyway.

You do not have to lay all the way flat for six hours. You can prop up your bed some so your torso is angled up and just your legs are not bent or moved around much for 6 hrs.

Best wishes!
Re: The Procedure Itself
January 26, 2016 12:54PM
Best wishes to you!
Re: The Procedure Itself
January 28, 2016 08:12PM
Good luck Murray !
Re: The Procedure Itself
January 28, 2016 11:47PM
Thanks guys. Its been 5 year waitlist. December 2011!!! Catheterd are irrigated Jackie. Signed consent form today during TEE session. It went very well. Slight sedation and local freezing spray and Bobs your uncle. Did not get definitive LA size but all looked perfect and Joy and I went for late breakfast when freezing was gone. Just had grilled cheese for dinner so its digested by morning and i dont gross them out. My BP was quite high but dropped after procedure. Im taking BP meds in AM with sip of water. Keep the devils at bay. Will report in tomorrow as soon as i am settled in. Back onto TIKOSYN for three months while things heal. Well thats about it. Kids are on their way home to be with us tomorrow then back to their iniversities. Andrew picked up rest of his uniform today...finishing engineering at western. Drum major for their band. Joined reserves and will be Lt. LAmpert shortly. Then Capt. Lampert. Eve finished her M.Sc. and is working at UofGuelph as admin for President. All is sorta well. Talk to you tomorrow night.

Murray L

Tikosyn uptake Dec 2011 500ug b.i.d. NSR since!
Herein lies opinion, not professional advice, which all are well advised to seek.
Re: The Procedure Itself
January 29, 2016 10:11AM
Thinking of you Murray.

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