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Men with ApoE4 allele have higer risk of micro brain bleed
November 12, 2015 03:41AM

About 25% of the population have at least one of these allele's. Might be a good thing to check if you have to decide whether to go on chronic anticoagulation meds.

How to test - a 23andMe test ($99 {edit now $199}) <[www.23andme.com] then run the results through Promethease ($5) <[promethease.com]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2015 08:54PM by GeorgeN.
Re: Men with ApoE4 allele have higer risk of micro brain bleed
November 13, 2015 11:12PM
Very interesting George and an important topic indeed. More research is currently underway looking at ApoE4 gene association in relation to AFIB as well, and not only via the dementia connection, but a probable connection to fibrosis tendency as well. ... I agree, this will likely become a key marker to know about as the unfolding genome starts to make real inroads in our understanding of chronic conditions.

Thanks for the links!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2015 03:09PM by Shannon.
Re: Men with ApoE4 allele have higer risk of micro brain bleed
November 15, 2015 03:46PM
Thanks for the link George too. I had no idea the test are so affordable now.

Shannon - RE fibrosis, some interesting work is being done on heart failure pathology now, specifically HIF/PHD (see link)

Re: Men with ApoE4 allele have higer risk of micro brain bleed
November 15, 2015 09:13PM

It is a bit of a "back door" into the test a year ago, the FDA enjoined 23andMe from giving you health info (which they used to do). This is supposed to be changing in the new year. However 23andMe will give you your raw data file. This you can run through Promethese. It runs your data through <[www.snpedia.com] SnPedia, a crowdsourced database of study results.

This is all early stage stuff - I'm sure why the FDA doesn't want to give mere consumers access to their genetic info. However, if you realize what you're dealing with, it can be quite useful.

There are a few genes, BRCA1 & 2 (breast cancer), ApoE4 and also the methylation ones (MTHFR) that you can be fairly certain what they mean. When you get down into the "weeds," it is much more uncertain. For example, if I search on afib, I get 26 hits. 3 are "bad", 10 are "good" and 13 unknown. One of them is "Lowest risk (13% of white women) of Atrial Fibrillation " Well, I'm not a woman and I know I have afib. So when you get below the "big ones" you have to take what you read with a grain of salt.

Re: Men with ApoE4 allele have higer risk of micro brain bleed
November 16, 2015 12:48PM
George I think the FDA is now allowing, or soon will, 23 & Me to start offering interpretive analysis of their genome kits again. I got a mail
about that from the company recently ... I think they said it was coming soon but not quite available but good news nonetheless.

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