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Update at + 4mths
November 10, 2015 06:19PM
Noo evidence of AF since my procedure with Dr Ernst . Some initial AT. Ectopy down from 10% + to 0.7%. Blood Pressure down for the first time in decades I am off all BP medication. Athletic performance is up by about +10% but not done any really long distances yet.

I still have an enlarged Left Atrium. Back at +6mths ofr further investigation etc

Re: Update at + 4mths
November 10, 2015 06:45PM

Great report!

Continued NSR to you!

Re: Update at + 4mths
November 10, 2015 09:04PM
Good to hear Les

And no worries on the LA size right now. It can take 9 months or so to start seeing real reduction in LA size from reverse remodeling and even longer .. Especially if there is moderate fibrosis and scarring .

When the fibrosis is longer term and more entrenched there will be a limit on just how far the reverse remodeling and removal of fibrosis can continue, regardless of what means are used the we know of... But for the vast majority long term consistent NSR will result in substantial reverse remodeling to a decent degree and all for the better and that will help reduce LA volume a good deal.

In my case, with such an extensive AFIB history it took around 3 years or a bit less to reverse my LA size all the way down to where both right and left atria are totally normal size again just where there were at my first echo when I was 40 years old ... Almost 25 years ago, as is my LVEF at 65 now just the same as at the beginning of this whole near quarter century of AFIB experience.

Have truly come full circle now at least cardio-wise in spite of the real rollercoaster I had to ride.. And all by keeping my eye on the big picture and following the protocols developed here on this website as well as those by top EPs over time.

It pays to take the long view and press ahead.

Best wishes and Be well!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2015 03:43PM by Shannon.
Re: Update at + 4mths
November 11, 2015 06:23AM
Thanks for the posts...good to hear about the reverse remodelling...there is only limited information around about it. In fact it had only been enlarged for >6 years (the time of my previous echo) and my Afib was only obtrusive off and on for a year or so. Les
Re: Update at + 4mths
November 11, 2015 02:46PM
Good to hear from you Les. Best wishes for continued improvements.
Re: Update at + 4mths
November 11, 2015 05:13PM
Hello Les and thanks for posting your "good news" report. I'm sure it's welcome for you to be off the Bp meds. hose who are studying the causes of fibrosis formation say that it's important to keep up with magnesium supplementation (since magnesium deficiency helps cause fibrosis) and that with time, the fibrotic accumulations should diminish greatly or disappear completely.

Be well and enjoy your calm heart,
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