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Vita Coco good source of potassium
November 06, 2015 03:21PM
I've consumed a lot of Low Sodium V-8 Juice over the years, but recently discovered another good source of dietary potassium: Vita Coco pure coconut water. A single-serving pack (11.1 oz.) contains 620 mg of potassium. I've been buying it by the case at Costco (which has stopped stocking LS V-8) and also see it on the shelf at Kroger, Walmart, and Sprouts.

I find it very refreshing after exercising.
Re: Vita Coco good source of potassium
November 06, 2015 06:35PM
Coconut water is definitely a good source of potassium.

It also often contains a high sugar count (15 grams) for an 8 oz serving making it not as desirable as other potassium sources for some individuals who are attempting to keep carbohydrate consumption low so as not to spike their glucose levels and trigger that cycle of insulin production response.

By comparison, Live Better brand of coconut water has only 3 grams of sugar in 8 oz but less potassium at 440 mg/8 oz.

Just be aware of the sugar content of whatever brand you choose. The LS V8 label by comparison had only 5 g of sugar, but then they do add potassium chloride to the V8 whereas the coconut water is all natural potassium. Depends on what your gut tolerates.

Keep in mind as well, there are bottled Organic veggie juices that have the added advantage of not consuming pesticides and agri-chemicals ... (also coconut water is typically free of those as well because of way they grow.)

Knudsen Organic LS Very Veggie has the advantage of being organic' thus, avoiding the agri-chemicals, comes in a glass bottle avoiding BPA container coatings, but the Carb content is 12 grams of carbs with 8 grams from sugar and 520 g. natural potassium.

Re: Vita Coco good source of potassium
November 09, 2015 05:21AM
Hi Jackie!

Thanks for info on coco water; I think most everyone needs to watch sugars added to any drink. I do consume Knudson Very Veggie for the reasons you discuss and think the taste is more to my liking than V-8. The cost is a little more, but you can't put a price on benifits.

Hope all is well with you, Anton
Re: Vita Coco good source of potassium
November 09, 2015 01:26PM
Well, Hello Anton!

How nice to see your post. Hope all is well for you, too. Send me a PM so we can catch up.

Best to you,
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