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Recovery Update - Natale ablation for persistent afib
October 24, 2015 07:12PM
Having seen an internist and my local cardiologist since my last post (about 2 weeks ago) they agree on my diagnosis - inflamed pericardium and pulmonary effusion in my lower left lung as a result of inflammation following my ablation. My cardiologist tells me that another gentlemen he is treating had an ablation the same week from Natale at CPMC and has identical symptoms. Here is a link from the Cleveland Clinic describing the symptoms etc - [my.clevelandclinic.org]. I will undergo further diagnostics (echocardiogram) next week to see if I have fluid in my pericardium (hoping I don't). My doctors have prescribed 200 mg of celebrex once daily to control the inflammation, which has helped considerably but not resolved it after 8 days. My doctor can still hear hear the "pericardial rub”, that is produced by the rubbing of the inflamed lining of the pericardium as my heart beats. I'll post an update when I know more.
Re: Recovery Update - Natale ablation for persistent afib
October 24, 2015 07:38PM
Hello John - I'm very sorry to read your update and I certainly hope that your ECG doesn't show fluid. A number of years ago I corresponded with two ablatees, who both had pericardial effusion and the pericardial rub from the procedure. For one, it was excruciatingly painful. I'm glad you are finding some relief with Celebrex and hope it all resolves soon.

I'll be watching for your next report and am sending you an abundance of good thoughts and positive energy.

Best to you,
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