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Something silly to amuse you
September 18, 2015 12:52PM
Maybe you have already seen this. It made me smile.

Re: Something silly to amuse you
September 18, 2015 07:42PM
Ha! Thanks, that was funny. What a couple of characters...
Re: Something silly to amuse you
September 19, 2015 01:38PM
Thanks Gill... Fun... and clever. winking smiley

Re: Something silly to amuse you
September 19, 2015 01:53PM
That was actually pretty good! smiling smiley)

Re: Something silly to amuse you
September 20, 2015 12:01PM
I shared with friends who say they finally get what afib can feel like.

After years of explaining it to them - now they get it? thanks for finding & sharing smiling smiley.
Re: Something silly to amuse you
September 20, 2015 12:29PM
Made me laugh!

Thanks, G.

Re: Something silly to amuse you
September 20, 2015 06:28PM
Made me laugh, a VERY good thing in these fraught times. Everything gets old. Me, my house, the various appliances, the plumbing and electric, the caulking that holds windowpanes in place, the zillion small vital things that HAVE to be done now or suffer their lack for 6 months of winter. That's a lot of heat paid for and wasted heating the great state of Maine, which will not warm up in the slightest no matter what my small self can do. But if i use some time and effort now caulking and taping up plastic, OR leading some local unemployed lout thru doing same for me, continual supervision required both to prevent theivery and ensure following of plans. These worthies are not paid very much since one must exhibit total vigilance to prevent things going astray.I can sometimes use them several times in a row before they decide they should be paid more.

So here's to that excellent comic version of the different kinds of heart irregularities. I like it. I think we should keep it long-term, Shannon, how bout you?

Re: Something silly to amuse you
September 20, 2015 10:59PM
Glad you all enjoyed it. I wondered about posting it but now I'm pleased that I did.

Re: Something silly to amuse you
September 25, 2015 11:47AM
Enjoyed it. Thanks for posting
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