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Olive oil
August 30, 2015 02:20AM
When I eliminated olive oil from my diet, my PACs stopped. I can put myself into afib within 24 hours by ingesting 3 or 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Is afib a known side effect for people who are allergic to olives or olive oil?
Re: Olive oil
August 30, 2015 01:02PM
How do you know that you are allergic to Olive Oil? Do you have other symptoms?
Re: Olive oil
August 30, 2015 01:25PM
Apparently there is risk of impurities even in "pure, cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil" that can affect sensitive individuals.


Do you use it cold or use it heated in cooking when you notice the PACs?

Have you tried changing brands and do you get the same PAC reaction?

Re: Olive oil
August 31, 2015 08:52AM
Big expose a week ot so ago about how little of what is labeled extra virgin olive oil actually is that substance and not some other cheaper oil.google counterfeit olive oil and see what you get.

Re: Olive oil
September 02, 2015 03:52AM
I have my olive oil processed from my own mountainous area on a Island on Lesvos in Greece .

Olive oil
September 06, 2015 04:05AM
Doesn't matter if it's cold or hot. An example of hot is using olive oil in a rice cooker to make rice--I used to do that all the time. An example of cold is olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing--I loved that stuff. Brand doesn't matter--could be Colavita or Newman's Own. Among other things, I stopped using Drew's Balsamic because it has olive oil. Also grape leaves and hummus, although I can eat some hummus brands like Sabra that use soybean oil instead of olive oil. I don't have other symptoms. Just PACs, afib, or that sluggish feeling in my chest that tells me I'm about to have PACs or afib. This "no olive oil diet" I'm on isn't easy because I really like Middle Eastern food, Mediterranean food. I'm also gluten free. The combination makes me high maintenance when I go to dinner with other people. But going olive oil free is worth not having PACs and afib.
Re: Olive oil
September 09, 2015 08:38PM
If you are allergic or highly sensitive to olive oil, it can certainly upset your heart rhythm. I need to watch my intake of histamine (found in a lot of foods) for that reason and take a digestive enzyme to help my body cope with histamine. I have never heard anything specifically about olive oil.....but as I recall there have been many discussions on this board about food reactions and AF. As we are fond of saying, we are all experiments of one.

Re: Olive oil
September 11, 2015 04:51PM
Interesting info here on this topic: [www.olivecenter.ucdavis.edu]

69% of Supermarket ExtraVirgin Olive Oil is Not Extra-Virgin

When the Olive Center at the University of California at Davis tested extra-virgin olive oils on supermarket shelves, they found 69% didn't pass the smell test and 31% were oxidized or had poor chemical quality.

They also tested 15 samples of extra-virgin olive oil from restaurant suppliers. They found 60% failed to qualify as extra-virgin. One even contained canola oil.

The term "extra-virgin olive oil" is legally regulated. The term was invented in the 1960s when stainless steel milling technology allowed for the production of different grades of olive oil. Extra-virgin olive oil can only be made from mechanically crushed olives. It can't be refined in any way by chemical solvents or high heat. It has to pass a chemical test.
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