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Xarelto side effects
August 04, 2015 06:37PM
I am 51. Generally in good health. CHADS2vasc of 0.
I have been on Xarelto for almost two years (only drug I take). After my second Dr. Natale ablation last September I was able to get off of Sotalol. I thought the fatigue and brain fog would go away. It hasn't. Short term memory is shot unless I put a lot of effort into it. Still on Xarelto because of the LAA issue.
I am now wondering if the Xarelto may have something to do with it.
Any one else having similar circumstances?

The only other drug I can think might cause this is the anesthesia from the procedure and the resent TEE. Seems unlikely this far out from the ablation procedure. The other option may be some (repressed) depression from having this illness.

Other than the possibile side effect of the memory / brain fog, I have no other side effects. I sometimes wonder if the Xarelto is working because I can cut myself and it seems to bleed normally and stop on it own. No bruising increases.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2015 06:44PM by gmperf.
Re: Xarelto side effects
August 04, 2015 07:59PM
Good question about cutting yourself. Maybe their is a test that can be done to see if the drug is even effective for you.
I wonder if a test like the PT/INR that Warfarin users had to use, would tell you if Xarelto was therapuetic for you?
Re: Xarelto side effects
August 04, 2015 08:09PM
Don - Adding to your comments about bleeding with cuts... I'm similar... don't bleed profusely and it stops in a reasonable time, but I do bruise very easily. It seems that a hard bump may take a couple of months to resolve.
I sustained some sort of a bump or injury after the last ablation... I thought I might have come from the transfer from the gurney to the procedure table... clanging my ankles together.. but that area has remained discolored and unsightly since April 3 this year.

On the memory/cognitive function...Did you see my response to I just posted in the other thread?

[www.afibbers.org] Subtle Post-Procedural Cognitive Dysfunction after ablation

Here it is again:

[ PM ]
Re: Subtle Post-Procedural Cognitive Dysfunction after ablation
August 04, 2015 02:19PM

My anecdotal observations and comments are these:

First Natale ablation - age 67.... and for the next 11 years ... no memory problems...

Age 78 - Second Natale ablation 8/2013.. and using Eliquis since 5/2013... annoying short-term memory lapses. During the time leading up to the 2nd ablation... at least 4 ECVs.. maybe more. I'd have to look up the exact number. I contend that isn't good for one's brain either.

Age 79 - Third Natale ablation 4/2013 - still using Eliquis and now both short and long-term memory... impairment.

My hope is that once off Eliquis, there will be improvement. But, the fact that 2 ablations done within 7 months of each other and in an elderly patient, who is otherwise, basically healthy, may make a difference with the memory deficit factor... along with taking the NOAC, Eliquis.

If this happens in younger patients as well, then the link is likely due to the procedure's impact and potentially, also the effect of Eliquis in some. As listed in the Eliquis post a while back, I have numerous ongoing symptoms also reported by others which I highlighted in bold. [www.afibbers.net]

Time will tell if I am able to stop the Eliquis and if the symptoms resolve.

Re: Xarelto side effects
August 05, 2015 12:31AM
Interesting observations.
Something is going on. I would not be surprised if the ablation procedure, anesthesia, and the NOAC(s) are all contributing to these memory problems.
I also feel very tired all the time. Tiredness was a listed side effect of Xarelto.

If I ever get off Xarelto I will note if my memory improves and report to FDA and on the forum.
I was thinking of switching to Eliquis. Not so sure I should now.

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